Mastery help

I need help on mastery, when I started never really knew what I was doing. I have 2 re set tokens is it worth using as I will need to spend units re u locking any worth while ones? I am currently looking to do act 5 to get in collected but one done 5.1.1 as struggling and thinking mastery may need tweaking?
Thank you

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Thank you

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Thank you
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Yes, go ahead and RESET all 3 sets of those Masteries.
No, those Reset Tokens have been made obsolete (well before you even first joined the Forums, must be a leftover feature that they still hand out on new accounts). You can Reset Masteries as often as you want, without regard to having a “Reset Token”.
No (sort of), you won’t need to spend the big amounts to unlock anything that needed Cores before (they will remain unlocked). But you will need to spend the little incremental amounts of Gold or small amount of Units to apply to each Level again as you put points back in.
You can search for some good Setups on Google or in forums here (unless someone wants to post some again for you).
But just FYI, you only need 1 point in all of (Lesser/Greater Strength and Health, as well as Salve, Willpower, and Dexterity). Max out (or at least 4/5) of Greater versions of both Precision/Cruelty.
Remove the bottom Furies, and XP.