Lost rewards and purchased items due to Android 8.0 update lockout

Yesterday I was able to log in for the first time in ten days after the new update was released. As many may know for some users such as myself after updating to Android 8.0 I became locked out of MCOC and received an error message telling me that I was out of memory storage and needed to clear some room everytime I attempted to login no matter how much room I cleared. Well with yesterday's update from kabam I am finally back in the game and for that I am grateful to kabam for fixing the problem but because this fix did take ten days i suffered more than just a lose of playing time. Shortly before this bug occurred I purchased several of the energy refill packs that were on sale in the shop and had grinded different levels building up my resources to make a final run on master mode of the monthly event. While I was locked out of the game these resources set in my overflow and expired costing me items I not only spent time to acquire but units as well. Between these lost items lose of the monthly calander rewards daily crystals and time to finish quest not to mention alliance events rewards this time locked out of the game cost me dearly. I have been playing the game for over a year and seen items sent out for severs being down for only a few hours which barely hurts anyones progression and cost them no lose of items nor rewards so I feel being locked out of the game for this long of a period deserves something to help make up for the lose but have heard nothing from kabam as of yet so I ask is something going to be done to make this right?