R3 suggestions?

I formed a t5 science catalyst. My only r3 champ is OR (sig 69). These are my options:

Is unduped thing an option for suicides masteries? Is Wasp a better option? My 5/65 science are cap iw, torch and quake. I do have a 6* ghost and hood for wasp. I could wait for 6* torch which has been so useful in my account, even with suicides

Is unduped thing an option for suicides masteries? Is Wasp a better option? My 5/65 science are cap iw, torch and quake. I do have a 6* ghost and hood for wasp. I could wait for 6* torch which has been so useful in my account, even with suicides
I actually like her, his damage at r2 is great. She doesn't need the dupe for attack, so probably is the best option thinking in ghost. Maybe I'll wait until get the tech catalyst for r3 ghost
Amazing tip, guys. Thank you. I'll have fun a while with this team. I think wasp will be my next r3