Animations on Android

MauBocanegraTMauBocanegraT Member Posts: 29
edited January 2021 in General Discussion
Hi Forum
I have 2 accounts in 2 different devices
I have an account in a Galaxy S8
And an account in a Galaxy S10

Animations like blur in special attacks for champs like ant-man (sp1) and corvus (sp2) are working in the S8
But those animations are not working in the S10

I have the same versión om both devices

The developer settings in both are pretty much the same, highest resolution on both devices.

Why the game looks better animated in my S8 than the S10?


  • MauBocanegraTMauBocanegraT Member Posts: 29
    @Kabam Miike
    Tagging Just for anyone from the staff to able to provide more information about this 😅
  • DementedAllyDementedAlly Member Posts: 18
    Exact same thing happens to me. Not sure why the S8 which is an older phone has the better graphics. Mind you, the S10 is faster in loading times, yet no special graphics. More examples of animations missing from the S10 but not the S8 are the waves of energy during Magneto's heavy, and the afterimages created by ghost during phasing.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    I thought special graphics are "special" only for iOS devices.
  • MauBocanegraTMauBocanegraT Member Posts: 29
    Renaxqq said:

    I thought special graphics are "special" only for iOS devices.

    Yes I thought of that too
    Until I removed the dust from my s8 for my secondary account, and realized the game looks way better in the S8 than my S10
    I mean, it's amazing but Weird though
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    edited January 2021
    I recently swapped from an One Plus 6T to a Galaxy s10 FE and was floored by how badly the new phone looked. The enhanced mode was so blurry, so many dropped frames and so many inputs ignored. 120hz was worse than 60hz but both nodes were horrendous. Sent it back immediately and went with the one plus 8 5G and have been so much happier. Plus, so long bixby. I'm done with samsung phones as I never liked my s8 much either playing this game.
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