Actually, it does matter because Web Foam only reduce Ability Accuracy of Slow and Unstoppable by 100%, which means with enhanced Ability Accuracy Thing may be able to trigger his Unstoppable without any difficulty.
Web foam failed to stop unstoppable. It seemingly loaded correctly and the debuff icon was there, but thing just smashed me to bits.
By the way, I myself fought Thing with Stealthy today morning in Master EQ and his unstoppable worked as intended. The only he triggered his Unstoppable was when Web Foam expired on him.
Can you provide with video evidence of this happening?
Actually, it does matter because Web Foam only reduce Ability Accuracy of Slow and Unstoppable by 100%, which means with enhanced Ability Accuracy Thing may be able to trigger his Unstoppable without any difficulty.
Yeah thing can trigger but it won't affect the fight because you can ignore the unstoppable
Oh really? Didn't knew that, Thanks for sharing!!!!