SQ 2nd half solo objective: shards or rank up

rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
edited January 2021 in General Discussion
Trying to see what is every one choose and reasoning. I find the shards reward much better, you can potentially get 7000 6 star shards and 1 5 star featured from legendary and epic solo objective combined, but if you need that 10% t5cc, you have to choose rank up and give up all the shards above, the 1 t2a and a few 5 star sig stones? is really not much these days, this is such a delemma.

Update: you can’t actually get the half t5b from the rank up if you want the caveralier objective, but I can’t edit the poll as it does not allow me to

SQ 2nd half solo objective: shards or rank up 42 votes

Shards, get 7000 6 star shards and 1 5 star featured
LeNoirFaineantHaji_SaabWardenclockNojokejaymThecrusher_9756KerneasAdvLmaoDarthVadimiusCr7ms7rs7Cowboyschamploo1_Sham_DeaconGraewoodSarvanga1_Thicco_ModeEtm34StaphMemberIcy000Iron_Spider7125 39 votes
Rank up, get 10% t5cc,1 t2a and half t5b
Leathersmw2017GinjabredMonstaxLunatiXx 3 votes
Other, pls specify


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,252 ★★★★★
    I am too lazy to progress beyond Uncollected, so rank-up materials is better off for me at the moment.
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    Wait how would you do legendary AND epic solo objectives?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    Shards, get 7000 6 star shards and 1 5 star featured

    Wait how would you do legendary AND epic solo objectives?

    Run only the mutant quest. In the 1st two weeks run it 10 times on legendary. That gets you all milestones. Save your other 6 tokens. In the second 2 weeks run legendary until you hit the t5cc and then switch to epic.
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    Looks like majority choose shards, that is what I think, unfortunately I probably have to choose rank up for a chance to get TB, I wish we don’t need to choose between the two or at least make them a bit more balanced
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