We Should Have Character Tradin– (JK, it's about Loyalty)

Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
edited January 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Okay, so now that I've gotten your attention, I saw this thread about re-vamping Loyalty and its usages, and it gave me two ideas that I just wanted to bounce around on the Forum that involve that cross-usage of Loyalty as a currency to obtain materials from other players.

Idea #1:
Trading. Now I know some of you are rolling your eyes, but it's not about Character Trading. Characters, as we know are mostly obtained via RNG, and Character Selectors are not a thing. However, Catalyst Selectors are. So what if you could use Loyalty to snag that extra T1A when you've bought out the Glory Store's entire stock?

It would work like this:
One player puts in a Trade Request (similar to an Incursions Invite), and via the chat mechanic, detail what they want to trade. Both select a catalyst from the inventory and both have to click "Trade" for the trade to go through. The players "swap" catalysts for a price (for example, 5,000 Loyalty for 1 catalyst swap).

Now there is the argument that Loyalty isn't used as a currency for catalysts. That's very valid, so how about an Item Trading system? You're in need of an Energy Refill, and someone else needs a Champion Boost. You both trade and spend Loyalty for the trade to go through.

Idea #2:
Personal Loyalty Market. Every player can put Items that they don't need on sale in their Profile. They can dictate how much an Item will cost (there will be minimum prices, or should there not?), and by clicking on another player's Profile, you can access their Loyalty Market and buy items off of them.

Again, this is just me thinking of ways to use Loyalty, and these ideas will probably be shot down due to a loophole I missed, but I had to write them down somewhere.

Anyways, I hope y'all had or are having a great day, and if you find problems with these ideas (which you probably will), please put 'em in the comments!
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on


  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,692 ★★★★★
    Interesting ideas - can’t see Kabam doing anything like this anytime soon though.

    Honestly I’d just settle for a revamp of the loyalty store at this point.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    FiiNCH said:

    Interesting ideas - can’t see Kabam doing anything like this anytime soon though.

    Honestly I’d just settle for a revamp of the loyalty store at this point.

    That too. Just some more item choices would be appreciated.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    I still don’t understand why character trading is such a taboo. I could understand the problems with trading 4,5,6 stars but what’s wrong with trading 1.2.3 stars so we can finish our collection?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    I still don’t understand why character trading is such a taboo. I could understand the problems with trading 4,5,6 stars but what’s wrong with trading 1.2.3 stars so we can finish our collection?

    Because characters are obtained through RNG only (excluding trophy champions).
  • Under_dug1Under_dug1 Member Posts: 53
    I really liked the idea, the only times other than incursions and gifting event it’s hard to work together, and being able to trade would be a fun way to socialize
  • Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Member Posts: 159
    Instead of making straight-up character trading a thing, they should make an event where everyone gets a random of the 6 classes of adaptoid, and you can trade say, your skill adaptoid for my tech adaptiod, and you can use the adaptoids in the side quest. And then at the end of the event all the adaptoids run away. (Alternatively, they could be different classes of symbiod, and it could be the sequel to the summoned symbiod event we've all been waiting for.)
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