You have a 50% damage reduction. With that being said, all the hulks can benefit from the node since they are poison immune. I think that the attack increase from furies will more than cover the attack decrease and also, the parry stun is a non-damaging debuff to deal your regular damage for a short while.
I don’t have iHulk so not very sure how he works and whether he fulfills the condition of having a non-damaging Debuff.
Of the 3 remaining, only SheHulk works. Just parry heavy to keep slow on.
However, do take note that Science champs take 85% less damage from Poison so, similar to bringing mutants to the mutant chapter in the current EQ, science champs won’t take much damage from poison (my guess is 1-2 stacks will be offset by willpower healing).
So in short, you can just bring any science champ that inflicts a non-damaging debuff (like wasp weakness, void intimidating presence etc), play normally and parry/dex once you get a poison on you to shrug it off.
I actually think CapIW will be the best science champ. He can shrug the postings with synergy or with dexing and parries and he puts non damaging debuffs to avoid the weakness.
Of the 3 remaining, only SheHulk works. Just parry heavy to keep slow on.
However, do take note that Science champs take 85% less damage from Poison so, similar to bringing mutants to the mutant chapter in the current EQ, science champs won’t take much damage from poison (my guess is 1-2 stacks will be offset by willpower healing).
So in short, you can just bring any science champ that inflicts a non-damaging debuff (like wasp weakness, void intimidating presence etc), play normally and parry/dex once you get a poison on you to shrug it off.
She hulk is my next rankup for my last 3 abyss paths. She isnt coming on all of em tho.