Looking for members in all shapes and forms!

Hello compadres.

Me and the officers of our old alliance split off and started our own new home. With us came pretty much half of the alliance.

We're a good crew with guys and gals thats been playing together for a long time. Were looking to run map 5/6 but will start off slow. Our goal in AW is gold 1/2/3. Nothing to hard going but we still want a share of the good rewards.

If you are looking to grow your roster and taking your game to the next step we are your place. We have a couple of old dogs that can offer good advice.
If you wanna step back from the tough maps in aq and rough wars of the high tier, we are good middle ground to still reap good rewards.

If you or you and your pals are looking for a new home this is the place. If you looking for a merge we can discuss that too.

Hit me up on lineid ctutchik or our leader on lineid louisw89. Or check out our growing alliance at the tag [Skrl1]


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