Find YOUR forum rival HERE!

So, as I'm sure a lot of you know, there are a couple of forum rivalries going on, maybe more that I do not know of:
@Qacob Vs @Unio77 race to TB
@SpideyFunko Vs @Crcrcrc race to TB
And being part of one of these rivalries, I can say they are a lot of fun, and give a new reason to push towards milestones.
So, I have made this thread as a place to find your rival, to race towards any milestone, whether to act 3 completion or to abyss 100%. Just make a comment stating the milestone you want to race towards and then how close you are to achieving it, and hopefully someone just like you will accept your challenge and become your rival!!!
Now this thread may instantly die, I am aware, but hopefully it will become a haven of fiery competition and fun. Enjoy, and GOOD LUCK!!!
@Qacob Vs @Unio77 race to TB
@SpideyFunko Vs @Crcrcrc race to TB
And being part of one of these rivalries, I can say they are a lot of fun, and give a new reason to push towards milestones.
So, I have made this thread as a place to find your rival, to race towards any milestone, whether to act 3 completion or to abyss 100%. Just make a comment stating the milestone you want to race towards and then how close you are to achieving it, and hopefully someone just like you will accept your challenge and become your rival!!!
Now this thread may instantly die, I am aware, but hopefully it will become a haven of fiery competition and fun. Enjoy, and GOOD LUCK!!!
Race to get their post closed/movedDon’t know if I should use it on torch or quake. So, I’m looking for a rival but also advice
Oh wait I already beat everything😜
Frozen sausages? That's it? I'm out.
If this was a few months ago I would race you to 5* Omega/ Quake. But you know, I got her. No other champ really means as much
Good luck catching a R3 Ghost