Fun fact: T5 Basics

So, I don't know if anyone remembers. But back then when you could sell T4B, someone found out that for a short period of time, Kabam had accidentally released T5B and there were a few T5B fragments you could get from selling a T4B. Me being pretty curious, I sold a T4B and got 250 T5B frags, allowing me to see that gorgeous T5B on my inventory screen and how many frags it took to form one.
Kabam realised this and seemingly pulled the T5B frags. Tried to ask them to give back either my T4B or the frags, but they didn't so I eventually forgot about it.

As of the recent update, I went to my catalyst screen just to see how many more frags I need for my next T4 mystic and found those 250 T5B frags back on my screen, woohoo! But I thought of posting this to let people know that T5B frags and T5B have been readded to the game, and considering the fact that the first 6* enemies we will ever see is this month, can't wait to see what they have planned.
Kabam realised this and seemingly pulled the T5B frags. Tried to ask them to give back either my T4B or the frags, but they didn't so I eventually forgot about it.

As of the recent update, I went to my catalyst screen just to see how many more frags I need for my next T4 mystic and found those 250 T5B frags back on my screen, woohoo! But I thought of posting this to let people know that T5B frags and T5B have been readded to the game, and considering the fact that the first 6* enemies we will ever see is this month, can't wait to see what they have planned.
Maths it’s not your job i see
You missed a 0, you need 180 T4B actually.
Currently you can't do it since they made T4B unsellable to prevent accidental selling of them, but yea, each sold T4B back then gave 250 T5B frags. It could be different now if they ever reallow selling them again.
English clearly isn't yours...