Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • KiddrakeKiddrake Member Posts: 75
    Just hit my nick Fury today first time really.
    Started fight in 2 mode was decaying on first fight in side quest.
  • Gohan69Gohan69 Member Posts: 26
    Just did a path in uncollected monthly quest and My 5* awakened rank5 Apoc was missing persistent charges, 5* awakened rank 5 cap marvel was missing persistent charges (both images attached) and 5* awakened Nick Fury went straight to second life on first fight.
    iPhone 12 Pro Max, latest update, happened 8:40am today 16/03, in game username Gohan69
  • S_U_M_I_TS_U_M_I_T Member Posts: 1

    Username- S_U_M_I_T
    Time- 05:11 Pm IST
    Quest- Monthly EQ Uncollected 3.1
    Champion- Corvus Glaive 5* R5 Unaweken
  • Master_Dan_1000Master_Dan_1000 Member Posts: 56
    Don't know if this helps but Nick Fury was starting in his second phase on every occasion for me this morning. I tried 3 different EQ runs and 2 x arena fights. Then I ran the latest android software update, rebooted the phone and now it is ok again. Samsung Galaxy s9.
  • BobmathBobmath Member Posts: 5
    Username: bobmath
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: March 16, 2021
    Champion Involved: 6* gully99, 5* awakened nick fury, 5* awakened CMM, 5*awakened Human Torch,.. all champions with Persistant Charges
    Opponent Champion: any champion
    Game Mode: any game mode
    Quest Node (if applicable): any quest node
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes, every fight
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? No, restarts did not fix the issue. But if i uninstall the game and reinstal it, the charges return. But until i quit the game and restart it, they dissappear.
  • logancloudzerzlogancloudzerz Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2021


    March 18, 2021 5:00pm gmt-5

    Screenshot attached all 3 missing persistent charge.

    Mr. Fantastic


    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game)

    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?

    Has been occurring for awhile:
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance)

    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
  • ZarakikZarakik Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2021

    Username: Zaraki kenpahi
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2021-03-19 5:00 CET
    Champion Involved: 5 star rank 5/65 Professor X sig.level 200
    Opponent Champion: all champions on that alliance quest map
    Game Mode: alliance quest map 7
  • logancloudzerzlogancloudzerz Member Posts: 22
    Can we get some news on a fix for this? It's gotten much worse the last few days. I can't get any persistent charges to show up, so I can't use those Champions for questing. Doesn't matter how many times I restart and it's bad in all content so it's not like we can continually post screenshots and info everytime it happens, that's all I'd be doing. It's gotten frustrating enough that I don't even want to log in and try.

    @Kabam Miike
  • Macho_Man345Macho_Man345 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021
    Username: Macho_Man345
    Date/Time: March 18th – 10:00 PM PST
    Champion Involved: 5-Star Awakened Wolverine, 6-Star Unawakened Apocalypse
    Opponent Champion: Mutant Symbioid, Immortal Hulk
    Game Mode: AQ Map 5, Incursions Sector 7

    Wolverine was unable to gain the horsemen ability after it was activated. Apocalypse had 4 persistent charges. The little yellow diamond never showed up. I found a workaround by activating the horsemen ability, backing out of the fight screen, and then re-entering it. The diamond appeared then and Wolverine gained the horsemen ability when he entered the fight.

    Here's the horsemen ability not activating correctly.

    Here's what happens when you back out of the fight and re-enter.

  • RockDocRockDoc Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra is there any update on this yet?? It's been WEEKS with this issue and it's very frustrating! I don't understand how this issue it taking this long to solve.
  • Nightwalker02Nightwalker02 Member Posts: 9
    Username: Nightwalker02
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Various dates and various times. But I don't think it happened recently for me.
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Nick Fury (5* rarity) signature ability unlocked at signature level 1.
    Opponent Champion: various, this happened multiple times and it did not seem that the opponent mattered.
    Game Mode: various, but it was first noticed during an alliance event when losing these persistent charges have the gravest impact. 😑
    Quest Node (if applicable): various, but none which should have been able to remove my persistent charges.

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): I found that by force closing the app, it would restore these charges (if I did not lose my character first. )
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: I only noticed this on my Nick Fury, during multiple and various instances.
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): I don't recall this happening recently for me, but I have had alliance members claim it has happened to them recently.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: yes.
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Thank you all in advance for your help
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Any new info on this yet? It's literally been ongoing for months now
  • CollerhausiCollerhausi Member Posts: 3
    Username: collerhausi

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Mar 23, 20:00 CET

    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): 5-star Awakened Nick Fury

    Opponent Champion: Jane Foster, Gulk, Odin

    Game Mode: Odin's Quest, lvl 9

    Quest Node (if applicable): n/a
  • SoulweatherSoulweather Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    my name in the game and Soulweather and I am stuck in the second level 6 mission since the beginning of the month I am frustrated

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  • mocobis1mocobis1 Member Posts: 5
    Took Odin in war with Angela synergy. Applied pre fight in first section. Got to section 2 and the prefight fell off Angela even though they aren’t available on Odin. The description says the prefight stays on for the entire quest. Now that m a champ down in AW. Soooo what’s up kabam?

  • xDSLRxDSLR Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021
    10:40pm EST
    Corvus Glaive 5*, Rank 5, Unawakened
    Against Iron Man IW and Emma Frost
    Alliance War
    Nodes: Buffet + Burden of Might (Emma Frost)
    Vigor (Iron Man IW)

    I had gone against Iron Man IW, and I never encountered his Auto-Block, so I expected only 2 charges. When going against my next fight (Emma) I had no persistent charges. After defeating Emma (a Mutant) I still didn’t receive any persistent Charges. I did have to wait a while to get energy before moving up from Iron Man to Emma, so I left AW to do some Arenas. So far, Corvus is the only one I’ve encountered with missing PC, I use Apocalypse in AQ, and his PC seem fine.

    Everything’s updated, had no crashes, I do switch between devices when I play, I forgot what device I played on when I was against Iron Man. Sometimes I play on my iPhone 8, sometimes on my iPad Air 4. In this screen shot, I was on my iPad.

    Edit: I just realized after posting this that I had an issue with Nick Fury (5* Rank 5, Level 1) about an hour prior to this fight in Arenas (All-Father). I didn’t take it in but I found it odd. I had started the fight with no persistent charges, and I was already in LMD mode. I thought I was tripping for a second when I started losing health right away, but I thought I wasn’t paying attention to the fight. It didn’t hit me until I was KO’d and I wasn’t regaining my health back.

    Hi there, one last Edit: Just entered AQ and I know for a fact that I should have 4 PC on Apocalypse. Thats all.

  • Mojo38Mojo38 Member Posts: 1
    User name : Mojo38
    Apoc 6*
    AQ all fights.
    26 March (although this has happened previously)
    So far in AQ I've done 6 fights all with 6* Apocalypse, he has failed to gain a single charge. I know a someone else in my alliance who runs 5* Apocalypse in the same BG and they don't have the same issue.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    iPhone 12
    iOS 14.4
    March 25th , approx 12:05 Est
    Act 4.1.6

    If you really need my user name , PM me.

    Both corvus and furys persistent charges disappeared mid-map. Restarted the game and they showed up like normal

  • Giantsfan1223Giantsfan1223 Member Posts: 17
    Aq today. Half the time I play this game.
  • DamienSciuridaeDamienSciuridae Member Posts: 1
    Username : DamienSciuridae
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Today, between 6-7 Central
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): 4* and 5*Nick Fury, awakened
    Opponent Champion: Aegon, Blade, Magik
    Game Mode: Monthly World Quest, Arena
    Quest Node (if applicable)
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: Looking closely, yes, Corvus, Aegon, And Guillotone 2099 at least
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?:No. It has also happened on quests where the one missing is the computer opponent, very consistently.
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 118 ★★
    edited March 2021
    I just had this issues with Corvus and Aegon. Noticed it it AQ. Didn't know there was a thread for it or I would've taken pictures. I also tested it on my 4star corvus in act 4 maestro middle lane. The charges never came up.
  • KingNubiusKingNubius Member Posts: 8
    Issue occurred on 03/29/2020 around 4pm CST
    Champion: Nick Fury (5* Awakened)
    Opponent: Wasp
    Game Mode: AW
    Quest Node: Power Focus 1, Power Alternator
    Note: Restarting the game did bring the charges back.

  • Darkknight0108Darkknight0108 Member Posts: 6
    IGN darkknight0108
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue : 29th March 9pm EST
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) : 5STAR R5 Corvus, APOCALYPSE and Nick Fury
    Opponent Champion: Multiple...they didn't have their charge on the entire path.

    Game Mode: Side Quest, sins of fathet
    Quest Node (if applicable): No node, it was heroic difficulty.

    I keep getting this issue on and off for 3 weeks now. It usually happens on alternate days or if the game is updated. Usually when the daily event ends (level up, hero use, etc.)

    It's so frustrating because you are locked in Quest and suddenly Fury doesn't have his persistent charge.

    One time, the quest began with fury having his charge and next day (same alliance quest), he didn't have it. It's crazy!

    I play on Samsung Note 9
  • evilKINGwilsonevilKINGwilson Member Posts: 217
    username : evilKINGwilson
    Android , Samsung 7, Tmobile
    no charges on 5/65 , sig 60(?) Corvus Glaive in AQ 7:00 PM MST 3/29/21
    Opponents whole 1st lane of AQ

  • Scofield321Scofield321 Member Posts: 5
    Name: Scofield321
    Date: 30.03.2021/ 4PM GMT+2
    Hero: Human Torch 6* unduped
    Opponent Champion: 6* Apocalypse
    Mode: Boss war.
    I just wanna record the fight for my crewmates in the alliance, i entered the fight, and HT prefight ability doesnt activate. This bug will cost us the war, for sure. I have other videos when i fight the same champ as boss (aka apoco), and Never did this to Me.
    Please Kabam, fix this jokes... its a waste of time and resources for us.
    Thank you.
  • Scofield321Scofield321 Member Posts: 5
    Name: Scofield321
    Date: 30.03.2021/ 4PM GMT+2
    Hero: Human Torch 6* unduped
    Opponent Champion: 6* Apocalypse
    Mode: Boss war.
    I just wanna record the fight for my crewmates in the alliance, i entered the fight, and HT prefight ability doesnt activate. This bug will cost us the war, for sure. I have other videos when i fight the same champ as boss (aka apoco), and Never did this to Me.
    Please Kabam, fix this jokes... its a waste of time and resources for us.
    Thank you.
  • Scofield321Scofield321 Member Posts: 5
    Name: Scofield321
    Date: 30.03.2021/ 4PM GMT+2
    Hero: Human Torch 6* unduped
    Opponent Champion: 6* Apocalypse
    Mode: Boss war.
    I just wanna record the fight for my crewmates in the alliance, i entered the fight, and HT prefight ability doesnt activate. This bug will cost us the war, for sure. I have other videos when i fight the same champ as boss (aka apoco), and Never did this to Me.
    Please Kabam, fix this jokes... its a waste of time and resources for us.
    Thank you.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    iPhone 12
    iOS and mcoc versions the same as last week
    PM me for my IGN

    This morning , map 5 AQ. No persistent charges for cap marvel or corvus. Had to restart the game.

  • Midnight19Midnight19 Member Posts: 5
    I am having a similar issue when i used Sabertooth .. I can't seem to stack up the fury charges ( 5 charges max per battle) .. i get the first one.. then i am not able to stack up more
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