Ideas to keep people motivated in MCOC

There's always that period of time where a lot of people decide to hang it up and "retire" in Mcoc which most of the time comes from lack of motivation to keep playing. I as well as many others love this game but I can see why people might feel that way and I'd like to put down some ideas to make the game more enjoyable. I invite everyone to do the same and would hope moderators take note of some of the suggestions.
Currently there is not a single person in this game that enjoys AQ and is only doing it because it is the only place to get those AQ specific rewards. Coming from a top 20 I must say those rewards are good but you can hear the collective groan when AQ starts back up.
1) Bring AQ down to only requiring 9 people (or even less) and have the extra people as a backup that can go to any bg. Reducing energy timers was great but people have to literally quit their alliance when they go on a vacation. Having to log in for AQ is probably one of the worst feelings in this game lol.
2) Take away energy requirements entirely so that if people want to finish same day or in a few hours they can.....please?
3) Make AQ 4 times a month but only 4 days for each cycle so that it is 4 days on and 3 days off. Monday-Thursday you have AQ and Friday-Sunday you don't.
4) I know this will never happen but figure I might as well say it for the 100th time. Why do we have to pay anything to join AQ? It's the only game mode in MCOC or any other mobile game I can think of where you have to pay something just to ENTER.
War has always had a stress factor for those at the top where those people stop playing because they reach a tipping point of "this stress isn't worth x rewards." Something is seriously wrong with war and I'm not sure anybody has all of the answers but I'm hoping the community can think of some things I can't.
1) Simply increasing the rewards across the board is a start but is only a bandaid.
2) For the love of God can war crystals be updated before the end of time? They've been exactly the same since they were created and are seriously outdated. Something along the lines of what was done with the solo crystals would be great, low chance of getting a 3 minute boost would be an incredible addition.
3) I think globals have never worked as intended since their inception and should be scrapped, make new harder nodes and call it a day. No matter what the globals are there are too many champs and abilities in this game that over time will continue to over complicate what globals are meant to do and you'll always have one winning out. Not sure how many iterations need to be made before it becomes obvious that mostly everyone will choose whatever is the most difficult even if it is only slightly more difficult. I don't need to be a fortune teller to tell you protect is going to be used just as much as stubborn was simply because it is the most difficult of the 3 choices.
Basic stuff
1) RNG is a part of this game just like any others but I've seen some people with terrible luck that never seems to go away and then they just quit and you lose that person forever. Obviously everyone can't have the same champs or luck but a pity timer for long periods of subpar pulls should be considered.
2) There is a serious power creep problem in this game. The same 10 champs can handle just about everything because they were designed as such and the other 120 are OK, below average or handle some very niche situation. Having so many new champs, 2 or even sometimes 3 a month but not addressing the larger issue is only making the problem worse. I would suggest focus on fixing the problem best you can before throwing new champs that only add to the problem. Maybe 1 champ a month until things are a bit more balanced.
3) The basic pool is so massive and there is legitimate power creep in MCOC so very few champs are looked at as a win when they are pulled. There are a lot of champs being buffed and reworked but there are people in the game who can barely scrape enough shards to open a single 6* a month, to then get a groot is pretty frustrating. Add more 6* shards to more content and add ways to build a 6* nexus.
4) I remember a time when $50 was the top tier cost of something in the store and $30 deals were a lot more common and valuable. I believe the old early access bundles before 6* were all $30, came with shards 5 crystals and if I remember correctly 3 of EACH MAX BOOST. I can't pretend to know the math of what costs need to be for this game but adding another star to champs can't possibly have tripled the cost of good deals in the store. Having anything decent at $100 has got to be alienating some people. Back in the day I used to buy almost every $30 offer as well as Cyber and 4th of July, they came with tons of shards and you would get more than just three 30% I only jump in during Cyber and 4th of July.
I know that was a lot but there are a lot of issues with the game currently that have been around for a while now. I'd love to see a state where people are as excited for this game as they used to be when they first picked it up.
Make it happen!
Currently there is not a single person in this game that enjoys AQ and is only doing it because it is the only place to get those AQ specific rewards. Coming from a top 20 I must say those rewards are good but you can hear the collective groan when AQ starts back up.
1) Bring AQ down to only requiring 9 people (or even less) and have the extra people as a backup that can go to any bg. Reducing energy timers was great but people have to literally quit their alliance when they go on a vacation. Having to log in for AQ is probably one of the worst feelings in this game lol.
2) Take away energy requirements entirely so that if people want to finish same day or in a few hours they can.....please?
3) Make AQ 4 times a month but only 4 days for each cycle so that it is 4 days on and 3 days off. Monday-Thursday you have AQ and Friday-Sunday you don't.
4) I know this will never happen but figure I might as well say it for the 100th time. Why do we have to pay anything to join AQ? It's the only game mode in MCOC or any other mobile game I can think of where you have to pay something just to ENTER.
War has always had a stress factor for those at the top where those people stop playing because they reach a tipping point of "this stress isn't worth x rewards." Something is seriously wrong with war and I'm not sure anybody has all of the answers but I'm hoping the community can think of some things I can't.
1) Simply increasing the rewards across the board is a start but is only a bandaid.
2) For the love of God can war crystals be updated before the end of time? They've been exactly the same since they were created and are seriously outdated. Something along the lines of what was done with the solo crystals would be great, low chance of getting a 3 minute boost would be an incredible addition.
3) I think globals have never worked as intended since their inception and should be scrapped, make new harder nodes and call it a day. No matter what the globals are there are too many champs and abilities in this game that over time will continue to over complicate what globals are meant to do and you'll always have one winning out. Not sure how many iterations need to be made before it becomes obvious that mostly everyone will choose whatever is the most difficult even if it is only slightly more difficult. I don't need to be a fortune teller to tell you protect is going to be used just as much as stubborn was simply because it is the most difficult of the 3 choices.
Basic stuff
1) RNG is a part of this game just like any others but I've seen some people with terrible luck that never seems to go away and then they just quit and you lose that person forever. Obviously everyone can't have the same champs or luck but a pity timer for long periods of subpar pulls should be considered.
2) There is a serious power creep problem in this game. The same 10 champs can handle just about everything because they were designed as such and the other 120 are OK, below average or handle some very niche situation. Having so many new champs, 2 or even sometimes 3 a month but not addressing the larger issue is only making the problem worse. I would suggest focus on fixing the problem best you can before throwing new champs that only add to the problem. Maybe 1 champ a month until things are a bit more balanced.
3) The basic pool is so massive and there is legitimate power creep in MCOC so very few champs are looked at as a win when they are pulled. There are a lot of champs being buffed and reworked but there are people in the game who can barely scrape enough shards to open a single 6* a month, to then get a groot is pretty frustrating. Add more 6* shards to more content and add ways to build a 6* nexus.
4) I remember a time when $50 was the top tier cost of something in the store and $30 deals were a lot more common and valuable. I believe the old early access bundles before 6* were all $30, came with shards 5 crystals and if I remember correctly 3 of EACH MAX BOOST. I can't pretend to know the math of what costs need to be for this game but adding another star to champs can't possibly have tripled the cost of good deals in the store. Having anything decent at $100 has got to be alienating some people. Back in the day I used to buy almost every $30 offer as well as Cyber and 4th of July, they came with tons of shards and you would get more than just three 30% I only jump in during Cyber and 4th of July.
I know that was a lot but there are a lot of issues with the game currently that have been around for a while now. I'd love to see a state where people are as excited for this game as they used to be when they first picked it up.
Make it happen!
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Unfortunately a set group in this forum will poop on it because they like to spend as much time as possible coordinating in AQ and repeating on a daily basis as possible and they are programmed to justify the games flaws to assert their dominance over the rest of the players.
In realty, Anything that COULD make the game more fun/less stress should be considered and doesn't mean it will make the game any less balanced or "easy" for the hard core players.
Games should be fun. The more/better rewards available the more I want to play. Would more nexus options break the game, nope. Do AW rewards need a revamp? Absolutely - how is it possible you can get better rewards from a side event than an entire season of war that takes way more time, planning, items, etc? I still don't understand why people were against AQ timer reductions... How does that actually impact anyone negatively in game and does it not free up more time to do other game things or real life stuff?
A lot of us feel so invested in the game, we trudge on out of fear of what we'll lose, more than anticipating happiness for what we get from playing. Waiting 2 months for iso and rankup sources is testing me in a new way... It's always been a bit slow, but lately it has been down right frustrating.
It wasn't always like this. Sure there have always been problems, bit prior to NetMarbles acquisition of MCOC, kabam actually gave regular compensation for things like recurring persistent charge bugs, game crashes, faster eq timers, etc. Now that the game has so many champs and an entire level of 6*, RNG is waaaaay less fun and nexus crystals help at least a little bit without breaking the game. Why are they still so rare?
As for AW I think it needs to be completely overhauled. The top alliances are all going to steamroll defenses this season and probably finish every war sub 10 rather easily.
You'll never see a mechanic like this in the game at all.
1. This won't ever work. You'll have people who aren't ever actually needed and all they have to do is join and get rewards. There isn't any benefit for them to rank champs as often as those who are lane clearers. We'll see non-stop posts about people not pulling their weight or people getting kicked because they only wanted to be backup. AQ is a choice. You don't have to do it.
2. People who wanted shorter timers wanted to spend less time in game, getting rid of timers is only going to make leaders/officers push to finish maps quicker which means being in game at once for longer periods and if you aren't available, you'll probably be kicked because your schedule doesn't match up. 45 mins is fine over 24 hours. My ally regularly finishes map 7 with 4-5 hours left. If you can't do that on other maps, your communication skills are terrible.
3. Doesn't make any sense. Most people are off on weekends and work weekdays. I'm not trying to do AQ all the time while at work.
4. You have to pay 10kk BC's to run the T4CC arena still. We regularly have side quests that require something like tokens or whatever to enter. January's SQ was just this. Have to have the tokens or you can't enter. The entry fee is to make sure people are contributing accordingly.
1. OK sure fine. Increase rewards but expect increase in difficulty.
2. I agree, these crystals are really outdated. They need to have tier crystals like with AQ's map crystals.
3. Globals can work, but they need to be equal or let Kabam dictate the order they go in like AQ.
Basic Stuff
1. People need to learn patience and realize that this game is about collecting champs, not just the ones you want. If you want a certain champ, go get them in arena.
2. There are more counters to content in the game than just 10. It's just that you have people who always tout these "10" or so champs instead of actually learning how to play a different champ. Take Tigra for instance, if it wasn't for a couple lesser known YouTubers, people wouldn't realize the versatility of Tigra. People have slept on her since her release and we are still seeing new accomplishments that she can do, like soloing Map 7 Apoc boss. it's on us to use other champs. I like doing quests with different champs I ranked up. I like thinking outside the box and looking for different options. I full support that people need to stop making tier lists and focus on what ALL champs can do. Not just the super popular ones deem so by the community.
3. Again, form opinion on your own instead of relying on what the community thinks. Before MSD, Sweeduh or Munash (I can't remember which one) did it, who would have thought of taking Kamala Kahn into act 6 against the GM. MSD regularly solo's the GM with all kinds of different champs just because.
4. The higher end the resources being offered, the higher the dollar amount. This is what it means to be pay2win, if you can't afford it, better luck next time. Early access bundles started at $49 and dropped down to $39 for just the 5* versions. They aren't going to let 6*'s chances go cheaply yet. They used to ask for 2500 units for a 4* back before 5 and 6*'s were available. Offers above $50 have always been around.
I'm sticking to my guns that reducing the number of lanes in AQ as well as making it 4 days a week (always M-TH) AND taking away the cost to enter would be great improvements to QOL.
- Kabam makes a tier/ grade list
- Every 10 pulls there's a 10% chance to get a single S tier, 15% to get a single A tier, 40% B tier, etc...
- Let's say each 20-25 pulls you can get a confirmed A tier, and each 35-40 pulls for a confirmed S tier... Numbers don't have to be this accurate ofc but they'd know better right?