T2A shortage fix!! Take 2

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Hard pass. T2A shouldn't cost this much or be so rare in game that an offer like this would even be considered going live.

Hard pass. T2A shouldn't cost this much or be so rare in game that an offer like this would even be considered going live.

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
The game is going to a very wrong direction with some low tier catalysts being artificially a bottleneck.
We are in a trend, where t1a, t2a and iso have become again rare resources, as they were back 3 or 4 years before.
This is making the game an annoying experience, rather than fun.
After so long players have expressed and pointed out the problem, the developers are surely aware of the situation, but they seem to ignore it.
Offers like this, at 2021 are at least funny.
We could make do with just TxB, TxCC, Iso, and Gold. There's still the same room for profit, it's just easier to keep track of resource balance with a less bloated system.
I am not an active player, and each time I see the shards, I am like, sigh, then I choose rank-up materials option which have T2A.
Plain and simple, new content is giving out T5B but no T2A and lots of shards that equals lots of champs that require resources to rank up. The only real source of T2A is about 2.5 a month split between full exploration of cav and uncollected eq and another 1-1.5 from the calendar. So 3.5 a month from recurring content and then whatever happens to be available in the side quest, if any. Anything else is from older story quest or whatever you might get from AW... And AW rewards are a joke for anyone gold and below.
That's at least 2 months for one R5 5* or r2 6* for the regular player. Glory store cuts that down some, but it's sad that it's currently easier to get T5B, yet we've had T2A in the game for several years now and need T2A to R3, R4 and R5 5* as well as R2/R3 a 6*.
And Kabam's solution seems to be to charge an exorbitant amount of real money for a minimal amount of fake, but strategically scarce T2A. I honestly don't understand their logic. If the deals were reasonable, people would bite. I would pick that deal up for $10 and buy it 3 times ($30). And I'd probably do it on a recurring basis at that price point as a repeat customer. But, no way I'm spending 5x that for just 2x T2A. Kabam is losing out on money and keeping would-be customers frustrated and angry along with the F2P onessimoly because they're out of touch. Eventually, they're just going to lose long term customers and players all together if it stays this way much longer.
Ultimately, T2A shouldn't be so coveted in the game. But, if kabam is going to put a pay wall up, it shouldn't be your prison wallet taking the beating either.
I suppose bottlenecks are obstacle depending on progression level.
The one thing I *don't* want Kabam to do is lower prices for scarce resources. That turns the game into pay to play. People claim the game is already pay to play, but to be blunt that's embarrassingly wrong. Everything you need to do all the content in the game and even reach the top 1% of the players of the game is earnable in-game with no money. That's QED.
Cash offers should generally, and almost always have low value. If you want to spend your way ahead of everyone else, you should pay dearly for that privilege. And no one should ever be advocating solving a problem that everyone faces by selling the solution for money most players don't spend.
T2A on the other hand is only rare because of a new shortage in game that was purposely put there recently. Should we expect 4th of July deals all the time, no. But the difference in today's deal and 4th of July is night and day for the same $50.
Not only could you get all the units, but 12,500 6* shards, 20 6* sig stones, 4 T2A and 1m gold. For the same price, today you could get literally half the item value and no units.
Dr. Zola
Can you list the 18 5* champs please? Genuinely curious to see who they all are.
Dr. Zola
I wish people knew and understood more about what targeted marketing is. Kabam has a long, long history of changing up offers with similar items at different prices. They are always testing the waters to see what people will buy and how much of it. We are seeing more and more offers now that have multiple opportunities to but the same offer. That wasn't something we saw in the past.
Lets take the recent AQ/AW offer that came up a week ago. That offer has only gotten better and better with time. It used to be a 1-time buy but now it's 3 times. The value in that offer is insane when you piece out the value of the items by themselves. They are offering more to that and more opportunities for that offer because tons and tons of people are buying it.
In all honesty, 1 T2A used to cost $50 and 4500 T5B also cost $50 or more. Offers back then didn't have gold attached either. This offer is meant to entice that person who needs these resources quickly. I picked up one of the lesser ones because i'm short on T4CC after ranking 6*'s. Running map 7, I usually am able to get T2A fairly frequently.
These offers will never ever be the place to get all the resources. You seem to think Kabam has purposely put a shortage of T2A out there. 6* shards are becoming more and more available, which means more rankups. It takes 7 T2A to take a 6* to R2. If people had bad ranking habits with 5*'s, they are most likely going to have bad habits with 6*'s. When 5*'s came out, everyone was begging for more T4CC/T4B and T1A. There's always going to be something that isn't quite as available as something else.
I’ve got to be careful with my recommendations lest they manifest for real in game, but the simplest way to resolve is to cut down T5b availability. Ergo, T2a shortage over!
Dr. Zola
I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me, but it should be pointed out so people can make their own decisions on the matter and vocalize this with Kabam to try and make a difference if they feel strongly enough. If you don't then, that's fine, but let the people with the issue have their voice. The forum is so full of "it doesn't effect me, so it's not a real issue"; personally, I don't care if you see or feel the issue or not. I do care that I see and feel the issue and that others do as well. And I understand if you don't care that I care, but it's my thread and I want to discuss it.
@DrZola 's reply is what I'm getting at. T2A has been left out of the latest game content rewards and the majority of unit deals sine last July (honestly haven't seen any of late until today's and it's a horrible value compared to other ones we've seen in the past). They are giving T5B (a newer and should be less common resource) fairly liberally in the story mode rewards, in TB daily crystals and of course, pay offers, but not including T2A (a resource that has been in game for over 3 years and pretty available in all new content up until Thronebreaker became a thing and Act 7.1 came out and is needed more in conjunction with T5B for 5* and 6* rankups). Why did they omit T2A in the exploration and completion rewards if 1) you can't use T5B without T2A 2) it's been there throughout the latter part of Act 5 and all of Act 6 and 3) why have they been missing from pay deals for the most part or when available, the price has been hiked up?
T2A has been a common reward for the past few years. It has been needed for 5* rankups (R3-R4=4 and R4-R5=6) and still a requirement for 6* (R1-R2=7 and R2-R3=8). So we are getting more 6* champs and more T5B to rank them, but T2A has been toned down recently and pay deal value for them has gone backwards and offering less than before and/or charging more than before.
For those that this does not impact directly, of if they don't see the subtle manipulation of T2A accessibility and cost, well, it is what it is.
Back to the original point at hand, the reason I created the thread is to show how the purposeful lack of in game T2A, but increased demand for it, are driving ridiculous pay offers.
Compare yesterdays $50 deal with 4th of July $5 deal. Back in July, essentially you could get almost exactly the same resources for for $10 and you'd get some units on top of it. And yes, I understand that 4th of July and Cyber Weekend are supposed to have "amazing value", but when the resources you're paying for are the same and the price is that different in an offer that comes out 6 months later, it should be pointed out so people see the trend.
* 2020 4th of July
$ 5.00 = 1 x T2A, 9,500 T5B, 50K gold, 135 units
$50.00 = 4 x T2A, 12,500 6* shards, 20 x 6* sig stones, 1M gold, 1,450 units
* 2020 Cyber Weekend
$100.00 = 4 x T2A and some other good stuff, but that was the only offer that provided T2A.
All of the other offers gave T5B and/or 6* shards/crystals, but 0 x T2A
* Feb 2020 pay offer
$50.00 = 2 x T2A, 22,500 T5B, 500K gold and 0 units
Again, just compare this to the $5.00 offer on 4th of July for what you pay and what you get.
2nd, what end game content is T2A being removed from? There's been T2A in almost all the side events save for a couple I believe. They are always available in the MEQs. They're on many of the paths in Act 7 and you get 7 for a run through the abyss. Act 7 has them and shards on paths. So what end game content am I missing?
3rd, how can you compare a everyday deal to just forth of July/cyber weekend deals. Of course this deal looks terrible because that's the whole point of those holiday sales is to make offers way more enticing. Retailers do it all the time.
I agree that T5B is more available than T2A. But I don't agree that T2A isn't available any less than what it used to be.
2) I already explained that T2A was removed from completion and exploration rewards in Act 7. Yes there is some in the paths, but it hasn't added more to the game. Typically, you'll see more of the resources in each story mode progression. For example, in Act 5 there were 5 x T2A for completion and that was OK because 5* were still new and R5's were pretty uncommon for while. Then, Act 6 gave 7x T2A for completion AND another 8x T2A for exploration AND more along some of the paths and for Act Exploration. Act 7 comes out and suddenly there is no T2A for completion or exploration and only on paths. They certainly didn't add more to Act 7 or scale it like from 5 to 6. They did however, give more T5B and more 5* and 6* shards, which don't help much without T2A to go with it.
3) I already explained why I compared the every day deal with 4th of July and that I get that 4th of July and Cyber weekend are special situations. As a recap, it still shows the vast difference of yesterdays offer and the value of it. It looks terrible, because it is terrible. BTW, retailers also put things on sale throughout the year that are equal or better than Black Friday. They do it to keep people wanting to buy throughout the year and to establish a rapport with customers since happy customers tend to spend more money. This game has no direct competition; sure there are other games we can play instead, but there's only 1 MCOC.
Cash deals are not just buckets of stuff with price tags. Every cash deal has a purpose, or a set of them. Most of them are there to monetize impatience. They contain stuff you can earn in-game, but people with less time than money can trade money for time, at a very high exchange rate. This ensures that actual game play time isn't devalued more than it needs to be. The cheaper things are, the more devalued time becomes. The more expensive they are, the more valued playing time is. The prices for things is as high as possible while still selling enough of them to generate a reasonable amount of revenue.
Some cash deals have significantly more value, because they serve completely different purposes. For example, things like 99 cent champion crystals are conversion offers. Most players of F2P games are in fact F2P players. Most of the numbers I've seen say the average is around 70%: the vast majority of people who play this game do not spend a dime, because they don't see the value of spending on the game. The low cost moderate value offers are there to entice those kinds of players to spend on them, because they need more value to convince them to spend. The hope is that someone who spends once will be more likely to spend again. They've been "converted" into a spender.
The July 4 and Cyber deals are specifically there to create excitement. For the people who spend, as i said most spending is very pedestrian, with little relative value for relatively high cost. For most of the people who spend, that "high cost" is relative: most of them can afford it, and don't see those expenditures as taxing. But they are still boring. The July 4 and Cyber deals are there to every so often blow the doors off of the offers, so the spenders are rewarded for their spending with enough value to be noteworthy. They are off-the-charts high, such that no other offers should even be compared to them, because they are not just scaled up versions of the lower value offers. They have the value they need to serve a completely different priority from the normal offers. Secondarily, they also draw people who normally don't spend into spending.
This is something the F2P industry figured out a long time ago. Tiering cash offers like this gets the most revenue for the least amount of stuff injected into the game, which is normally the goal.
So anyone who thinks that normal offers don't have to be as good but they should be at least X% of them, has entirely the wrong expectation.
Also, you're wrong about the T2A shortage being "put there" recently. People have been seeing the shortage coming from a mile away. It is being talked about more now, but people have been discussing it for over a year now. The game reward structures that create this shortage have been in the game for a long time. Its just that with Cavalier difficulty and Thronebreaker status an increasing number of players are reaching the point where they are experiencing it.
Great, Cause that's partly what I was driving at and glad to see you agree on that now. The "recently" refers to the most recent story content not addressing it and not scaling with the previous increases in T2A from chapter 5 to 6. It's actually much worse that the issue has been there for over a year and now it's really getting out of control for not being corrected sooner. Weird that your ok with less T2A in act 7, knowing that could have helped the situation to some extent.
And I'd say you're wrong about the cash deals as well, but we'll never agree on that it looks like. I'm not suggesting or asking for dirt cheap T2A or T5CC or that, that is the way we should get it. However, I am proposing Kabam to not inflate the cost of the T2A they've previously sold in larger quantities, and for less money since they've reduced the amount that should have been bumped up in act 7. That's all.