Hypothetical battle, who would win? Phoenix Vs Scarlet Witch

So I've just finished watching "X-men: Apocalypse" and while watching it I realised the very strong similarities between Jean and Wanda. Both characters are very strong telepaths and they share very similar scenes - they both take on and dominate the final villain of the film after everyone else has grouped together to try and stop them and failed. (We will ignore the fact that Wanda was interrupted by an airstrike)
Anyway, then I started wondering, who is the more powerful of the two? Who would win in a 1v1 battle? So that's what I'm here to ask, who would best the other in combat, Phoenix or Scarlet Witch?
Anyway, then I started wondering, who is the more powerful of the two? Who would win in a 1v1 battle? So that's what I'm here to ask, who would best the other in combat, Phoenix or Scarlet Witch?
I've only watched the film's so I'm waiting for some comic fan to come in like "actually they've already fought 17658 times and...."
Hypothetical battle, who would win? Phoenix Vs Scarlet Witch 114 votes
In marvel: ... it’s complicated
Wanda easily, have you seen Dark Phoenix?
If it’s movie versions, it would be closer, but comic version with both at the heights of their power, Phoenix would probably beat her 8/10 times.
But they have flaws certainly ill adamantly say that 2/4 best x men movies (first class and days of future past) are from the new cast/movies along with logan and x2
It would likely be Scarlet Witch.
Not only she has class advantage, but she can also nullify Phoenix fury buffs, as well as applying power locks here and there in order to keep her power control.
And while being hit, she could end up applying poison debuffs to Phoenix, which she isn't immune to. Is kinda of a defensive ability going on favor of SW here, while Phoenix doesn't have too much going on for her defensively.
I believe it goes:
X Men
X3 (don’t remember the name, but 3rd original sequel)
First Class
Dark Phoenix
That’s the ones I remember, could be missing a few. I also highly recommend Logan. It wasn’t well received, but I thought it was an awesome Wolverine movie.
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine (this one was fun)
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
TrashX-Men: Dark PhoenixThere’s also the two Deadpool films, but they don’t tie in as much (there is a cameo, I know)
then there’s New Mutants, which released under the Disney umbrella.