Who should be my first R3?

This is my first R3 and the throne breaker title. I think Silver Surfer would be useful in the buffed up nodes in cavalier EQ but I don't love the feel of him and having to watch his buffs constantly. I love how hard Cull can hit but he needs ramp up and his block is terrible. Please let me know your thoughts.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
do you prefer one over the other?
Cull for damage
I did R3 my Cull for TB and he is a ton of fun; especially in Chapter 7, the attack multiplier once he's ramped up is crazy. I only parry heavy 1 or 2 a fight and rely on intercept/baiting for rest so chip damage doesn't bug me.
Count me as a solid Cull vote
Cull is straightforward to play, yes he comes with a potion tax, but i think the damage is worth it.