Strikers aka Tag team fights

Remember those dev diaries from last year. One of the things that I was quite excited about was the Strikers idea; this was presented as a special attack where another champ would briefly join your fight and put in a few hits before disappearing.
I'm not chasing for an update on where this is at as I know there are loads of things people want and the devs have enough to do.
What I was thinking is, what tag teams would you guys like to see / use?
The original posting mentioned synergy connections so perhaps thinking around those might help to think of the possible options.
AA and Psylocke would be a pretty cool sp combination neurotoxins with power drain / steal.
You can read the dev diary here if you want to see what they said -
I'm not chasing for an update on where this is at as I know there are loads of things people want and the devs have enough to do.
What I was thinking is, what tag teams would you guys like to see / use?
The original posting mentioned synergy connections so perhaps thinking around those might help to think of the possible options.
AA and Psylocke would be a pretty cool sp combination neurotoxins with power drain / steal.
You can read the dev diary here if you want to see what they said -
Mr. Fantastic and Thing
Luke Cage and Iron Fist
Guardian and Sasquatch
Nebula and Gamora
Crazy power gain and special attacks
The different versions of the champs and then the synergies, they could be pretty awesome.
Some definitely need a bit of a buff but, that aside / assuming this is a while away.
I'd hope they come in strong.