Does anyone know why is this happening?
6.2 sinister boss is taking allmost no damage from quake. Is there anything i am missing?
6.2 sinister boss is taking allmost no damage from quake. Is there anything i am missing?
Not optimal, but Warlock can do the fight with either versions of Ultron or Vision - its the robot uprising synergy. Just parry / heavy so you always have a bleed on. When sinister throws his SP1, and the bleed back at you, it will trigger trigger a 6 second fury. Not a huge window, but you'll have him heal blocked so you get 100% of the damage.
Aside from that @KRoNX1 I don't think you can even unit past it, except with God like quake play.
As you are level 55, I'm assuming you haven't 100% act 4 for the mastery points or act 5 for the two extra t5b? If you haven't, could be an idea to try that first. Or variants.
Until you get a proper counter, or huge unit stash.