50 Points Short!

Kabam, is it too much to ask that the event designs either have excess currency that we can use to hit milestones OR that you better announce and track the currency totals for us? Other games will show that I missed a milestone on the first arena, and therefore I'm never going to hit the final milestone at the end of the month. In MCOC, I have to cross my fingers and hope that I hit everything. I did all the side events to 100%, I logged in for each calendar drop, I slowly and carefully gift traded with my teammates, and I THOUGHT I meticulously grinded arenas. Well, I guess I forgot to finish a milestone in the arena because now I'm 50 points shy of the monthly 1k 6* shard rewards. I feel I've been wasting my time now.
I'm sure the forum trolls will tell me to take responsibility, that I should have studied the in game mail, forum posts of long spreadsheets of math, or watched more content creators warning me not to screw up. Yes, those are nice ways to cover for the problem, and often I do all those and also communicate to my team to warn them. However, let's face it, the issue is poor event design architecture. We are once again getting hosed due to a new Kabam limitation.
This isn't the first time. Recently during the Arcadia event, I came just short of the t5cc rewards I was working towards all month. Again, yes my fault for not studying the additional resource messages from the community. However, it's also proving to be a systemic architecture problem. Overly complex events, for hard to obtain unnecessarily rare rewards, with more pitfalls and lack of leway than any other game content, all with a limited time to complete. I guess the overly complex champ combinations, several concurrent monthly event opportunities, AND monthly changing node interactions weren't confusing enough, now we need to also hit all the milestones in all of those game modes to earn basic milestones instead of the more appropriately obscure rank rewards. And based on what I've seen from my alliance mates and forum posts in recent months, I'm not alone in my frustration.
This game is becoming more and more overwhelming, with less quality of life, a total time sink, that no one but the most researched, smartest and richest can win. All for another meager 1k 6* shards or 10% t5cc. Kabam, you could design this all better to be simpler to understand or at least warn us that we won't ever hit the peak milestone. Heck you can even offer 11th hour currency deals for suckers like us to make a comeback with!
That still supports my suggestion though. If they built a way in-game for us to see all sources of points, then we would know for sure of we missed the mark or are just in a gap between arenas.
I've lost out countless times over the years through not fully understanding events before playing.
It's 50 points per Valentines card you trade. The top milestone is 1600 points. You need to trade a minimum of 32 valentines cards.
In gifting events, there will always be enough to meet the milestones. In the case of this event, you have to get some of the tickets from arena or you can't do all the milestones. There wasn't any wording saying you won't be able to get all rewards. We have a week left in the event, well have more arena for the romance one.
Yup... I'm not UC and was short for the t2a by 50. Kabam's designs are unique to push us to get the next milestone complete.