Who shall i take up for act 5

hi summoners i am currently getting on to act 5.2 so i need your help again to know which 4* champs to rank up to 4/5 i will put images of my roster up
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
These are some who will help a lot.
Also, you've a lot of mastery points pending. Maybe put them in before going for act 5. They will help a lot. Grind arena for units to buy mastery stones to unlock them.
For tech - warlock, g2099
For skill - blade, crossbones
For cosmic - Hyperion, (open some cosmic tech duals for good cosmic ones like venom)
For science - void, red hulk, quake, thing
For mystic - doom, bwcv, sym supreme
That top row, and sorting out your mastery points should be enough to get Uncollected IMO.
Don't under estimate the power of the mastery either, something which I used to do until I did some research.
I don't use him much, but seatin on YT did a good F2P set up which I found very useful.
Apart from your top row, I'd go for Blade and Quake.
Quake, well because she is the best. Blade because you have Stark Spidey and the synergy helps each other.
Best of luck
Because quite a lot of them got a lot after the December luck and etc....
Ill show them
Mysterio is good. You can use him in act 5. Gladiator hulk is amazing. Push is further. CMM is also amazing. Use her.
The mastery setup that you're using seems a bit on a lower side. I also have a 4 star maxed DD, and he's at 6.1k Pi, while yours is at 5.4k. Would you be open to sharing your mastery setup as well?
Warlock and g2099 are both equally amazing champions to choose from. You can use whichever you like and are comfortable with.
Your First 5* champions line is good also.
And as other said, take a view at your masteries.. I used to have them mainly focused on Life points, not even parry, but then I decided to modify them at level 50 and I saw the difference. some chraracters went up by about 200 points and for crític hits it made a big difference. It also change your fight style but in the end it forces you to be more resourcefull
I have a few R3 5*'s who have a 4* counterpart fully upgraded with full signature, and even though the PI is higher on the 4*, the 5* version has significantly higher HP & Attack.
Overall, I just think the PI can be slightly misleading at this stage of your roster