Psycho-Man I just got him is he a good defender and should i up him
Everyone got him at the start of feb...are you a new player? He's a good defense champ...really annoying but it has flashy animations. So be careful with it.
He is not a good defender. His specials are easily dexable, he can be Quaked, he’s a metal champion, and his damage output isn’t high.
He’s slightly annoying to fight, but not hard to defeat.
so dont wast my resource on him i dont have a lot
I wouldn’t. He may get a few kills here and there but champs like Domino, Annihilus, Sasquatch, Doom, Korg, Omega Red, Thing, Hit Monkey, Ebony Maw, and Apocalypse are way better choices to rank up for AW defense.
He’s slightly annoying to fight, but not hard to defeat.
Everyone got him at the start of feb...are you a new player? He's a good defense champ...really annoying but it has flashy animations. So be careful with it.
i dont have a lot
Epilepsy can be pretty bad for some people
It's not easy