Who deserves a 5* generic AG more?

Hi guys,
So I've been sitting on a generic 5* Awakening Gem for quite a bit now, and it so happens that I have a bunch of generic SIG STONES on my overflow that are about to expire tomorrow.
As of now, the best candidates I have for this gem are a Collosus and a Guardian, who have been sitting as R3 awaiting to be awakened for further rank up. I can rank one up too to R5 right away.
Normally I would just wait till i get a CLASS AG or I dupe them by natural means, but the stones expiring are making me want to pull the trigger. I have already maxxed most other generic AG worthy 5* such as Aegon, CAIW, OR...( No Void or Red Guardian though...). I also have duped already other generic AG worthy one such as Ghost and NF.
In terms of synergies, I dont have high ranked White Magneto or Sasquatch for synergies, but regardless the point of Guardian is that he boosts all team members BP anyway. Regarding Collosus, he pairs well mith my maxxed 5* Red Magneto and OR, and I do have duped 5* R3 Emma and Sabretooth I plan to at least R4 someday down the line.
If you wanna know how the rest of my roster looks, here's a ss:
So who should I awaken with a generic AG, sig up and rank up? It would be helpful if explain in what do you think your choice would bring to the table, given my roster.
So I've been sitting on a generic 5* Awakening Gem for quite a bit now, and it so happens that I have a bunch of generic SIG STONES on my overflow that are about to expire tomorrow.
As of now, the best candidates I have for this gem are a Collosus and a Guardian, who have been sitting as R3 awaiting to be awakened for further rank up. I can rank one up too to R5 right away.
Normally I would just wait till i get a CLASS AG or I dupe them by natural means, but the stones expiring are making me want to pull the trigger. I have already maxxed most other generic AG worthy 5* such as Aegon, CAIW, OR...( No Void or Red Guardian though...). I also have duped already other generic AG worthy one such as Ghost and NF.
In terms of synergies, I dont have high ranked White Magneto or Sasquatch for synergies, but regardless the point of Guardian is that he boosts all team members BP anyway. Regarding Collosus, he pairs well mith my maxxed 5* Red Magneto and OR, and I do have duped 5* R3 Emma and Sabretooth I plan to at least R4 someday down the line.
If you wanna know how the rest of my roster looks, here's a ss:
So who should I awaken with a generic AG, sig up and rank up? It would be helpful if explain in what do you think your choice would bring to the table, given my roster.
BTW, yes I have willpower and recovery maxxed.
Also it would be great if you explain your rationale of why you think one would be better given my roster.
So roughly my roster is
5* R5 : CAIW (maxxed) OR (maxxed) Red Mags ( maxxed) , Aegon (maxxed) HT (x40) , Doom (x20), Venom (x 70) , NF (x1)
6*R2 : Ghost (x20) , CMM ( unduped) , Warlock ( unduped)
6* r1s and 5*R4 have many, maybe the nost botable ones are
AA (x112), Thing (x80), Domino ( x100) , Quake ( unduped) , SorcSupreme( x20) Magik( x60) Vodooo (x40) Morningstar ( x40) , Medusa (x20) Sentinel (x20)
6* R1 all unduped : iHulk, Killmonger, Falcon, Ronin, Elsa Bloostone, Doc Ock,
I am leaning towards Guardian too, but amongst the things that are holding me back is that now the Cavalier calendar has a Guardian Crystal in about threeweeks ... would hate to use the AG now just to happen to dupe him again in three weeks. Still, I have to use those stones so ....
Man, I have about 13 hours to decide before the stones expire. Gonna wait it to see.
I kinda agree that Guardian's sig is much more game changing than Collosus', but darn it with this Guardian crystal from the calendar coming in the end of the month.... I know I would just hate myself for using the generic on Guardian just to dupe hm for free with the calendar crystal. This happening is not that rare in my case ... I duped my 5* Silver Surfer and Storm Pyramid X from calendar crystals so .... Also, since last week I have been using my stashed 5* shards and the ones I'll get from now on cosmic/tech crystals, because I am hunting for CGR , Hyperion or Corvus ( in that order of preference)... and wont stop till I get them cuz I'm actually ok on all the other classes. Who knows, I might end up duping Guardian that way too.
Hmmmm, decisions decisions. Guardian is the clear winner, but I have more chances now to dupe him by other means than the chances I have for Colllosus.
Keep the votes comin', still undecided!!
Got guardian sat doing f all for me while the Russians put in the solid work. Just haven’t needed him for anything yet.