My plan to defy the algorithm
Recently, almost every single t5cc crystal I've opened has been science frags, or in the case of my abyss crystal, a full catalyst. I took yellowjacket up with that and continued to get science after. It's my highest catalyst fragment amount and coincidentally, is my worst class. As we know, kabam shoots rig beams at all of our houses and have chips implanted to control us and read our minds so they can know who we want to rank up and then give us the opposite class. If I continue using all the science catalysts they give us, then they'll stop giving me science catalysts, and I can rank up someone useful. The champion I have chosen... is Joe Fixit. I'm pretty hopeful for a possible buff and believe that he has a lot of potential. Do you think I'm crazy? Or will there be a massive fixit ovehaul next month?
Me and Crcrcrc are racing to tb, I’m currently stuck at 6.2 champion while he has forgone beating act 6 first in order to do abyss, then beat act 6
Soon you will get some good science champions.
Same kinda things happening to me.
I did V6 and v5 initial completion, and both time I got rank4-5 mystic gem.
Used one on Claire (she is awesome) but for second one I don't have any good champions(waiting for DOOM but no luck) as my most of the good mystic are 6*.
Keep it, hope for better tomorrow.
Pulled tech from abyss which I used on punisher.
This is a screenshot that I took of my t5cc before finishing 7.1 100%
I should add a trigger warning
Yes, those were all the fragments I had ever pulled, although since then I have formed my tech and pulled some other class frags. I also happened to pull a tech AG from abyss so I'm good to go if I pull ghost. The only option I have at the moment is doc ock, who would be an awesome r3 but not really what I'm after.
And thicco, do it.