Anybody else experiencing this problem?

Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
edited March 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
Honestly why did I not expect something like this to happen.
The game taking forever to login and even when I do login anything I press is followed by the "connection issue logo" for which I can't do anything as other actions are locked.

And no my WiFi and connection are top notch, and everything was working fine till 5 hours ago.

I'm literally stuck in this screen for a good 15mins

Just to be sure it isn't just happening in my account is there anyone else experiencing similar problems?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Just opened the game. It seems to be working just fine
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    My friend has this problem too
  • L3g3ndaryR3ignL3g3ndaryR3ign Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2021
    @Unio77 me. For the last three hours or so. And I've tested it on WiFi and two different mobile networks.

    Also, not logging in at all. Just stuck on the opening screen for like 15 minutes, then the loading screen. And doesn't get past that...
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    Ok good news, somehow everything has gone back to normal but navigation through the game is heavily delayed. For those who are experiencing the same problem give it time.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Ever since the new update, the game is very slow for me. Took me 5mins just to log in today.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Nothing works in this game.
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