6* sig stones more available than 5* sig stones? Why!?

For example, recently cav. difficulty EQ gives 10x6* sig stone crystals for exploration. I fully explore every month. No sig stones at all for uncollected.. (witch is the issue) .. and 5x5* sig stone crystals for master mode exploration (witch I don’t even bother to explore because it’s boring!!) my suggestion is to move the 5* sig stones to uncollected and maybe bump it to 10+ or 10 generic... since you were giving 5 for quests that are so easy they are boring.

This is my first time making a post though I’ve wanted to for a while. Plz move to an existing thread if necessary. that I couldn’t find? Plz and thank you for reading and anyone else that feels this way, let’s talk about it!


  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★
    Yea, that would be a good move but afaik there's some 5* Sig Stone (generic) in Cav EQ and a few 5* Sig Stone crystals in UC. The daily 22-hr event gives a generic and a crystal to. I'll say they are readily available now more than ever that I can sig up whoever I want, more liberally, now.
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