Special move glitch

This last week of AQ I have had issues with using special attacks. For example I would use ultron's SP2, it drained my energy but seemed to fail as it dealt no damage. It also left me open to attack where I got comboed into oblivion and had to use potions. First time it happened I thought I was mistaken, but it had happened numerous times now. Has anyone experienced the same issue?


  • Hulk_SmellsHulk_Smells Member Posts: 183
    I just experienced this with my GP in AW while using her sp2. It took my energy and the lighting dimmed, but no special came out. Luckily I noticed and took back control of GP and moved on.

    Kabam fix your sh!t
  • DebuddDebudd Member Posts: 10
    Also just experienced this.

    Just used hulk s2 against abom mid combo in AQ. As i wait for abom to fly across screen and go into a stun I find hulk stood there getting punched, special bar at zero and not having performed his special. Almost dead as a result.

    There are a lot of bugs been reported by he community now. When are we expecting to see fixes or are we just expected to pay you more money and see no resolution? ($6.45 to regen a champ for Kabam’s game bugs. That is what 2 lvl4 health costs in AQ if use units to buy)
  • BambhmBambhm Member Posts: 3
    Just happened to me on Act 5 with Green Goblins sp1. Left me vulnerable and took 5 hits by Karnak and got ko’d. Act 5 is hard enough don’t need Kabam’s screw ups making it harder
  • BoatdudeBoatdude Member Posts: 11
    Everyone is experiencing this. It's a known bug and kabam is dragging it's heals fixing it.
  • BambhmBambhm Member Posts: 3
    Has cost me dearly several times in the last few days!! If we are not given something for this, everyone should raise hell like we did on 12.0
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