Do you support energy refresh dropping from 6 minutes to 3.5 minutes?

I’m interested in hearing everyone’s thoughts...
6 minutes per 1 energy refresh has been a standard in the game since the beginning. However, considering the free crystal is every 4 hours, what if energy at max level refreshed that often as well? Every 4 hours people would be able to complete more content, but they’d also be spending more time in the game and logging in more often to use energy, which is good for Kabam. People who want to smash content out in one sitting would still need refills, and spend units. It’s a rare thing that I believe could be both pro player and pro Kabam.
6 minutes per 1 energy refresh has been a standard in the game since the beginning. However, considering the free crystal is every 4 hours, what if energy at max level refreshed that often as well? Every 4 hours people would be able to complete more content, but they’d also be spending more time in the game and logging in more often to use energy, which is good for Kabam. People who want to smash content out in one sitting would still need refills, and spend units. It’s a rare thing that I believe could be both pro player and pro Kabam.
Do you support energy refresh dropping from 6 minutes to 3.5 minutes? 67 votes
I guess it would make more sense to me to have all energy paths be set at 1, but then reduce the max threshold down from 70 to 50 or even less.
Currently, it takes roughly a week to explore a difficulty of the monthly event, and if you're doing the hardest 2 difficulties you can handle (which is what I and many people I know do), that leaves half the month to grind through other solo content (even more time if you only do one difficulty), or wait for next month if you've done everything. With 3.5 energy timers, we'd get through everything we want in the event quest significantly faster, leaving much more of the month to either wait, or grind through solo content. This would seem pretty appealing to everyone grinding through acts 4 5 and 6, but for the rest of us, it would mean less actual playtime and engagement for most of the month.
I know I can't speak for everyone when I say this, but I really miss progressing through the game and having huge challenges ahead of me. I loved the feeling of completing 6.2 and thinking "oh wow, I've got a lot of work to do before I can dive back in and explore this, which itself will be a long process" and chipping away a path or two a day at act 6 until I had it explored last year. Had I been able to do upwards of 5 or 6 paths a day without refills, it would've been over much, much sooner. Now that I've explored it all, I'm more or less waiting for the next big piece of content (7.2, probably) to come out.
Like Masterpuff said, if it aint broke dont fix it. For the longevity of this game, it's best we keep with the 6 minute timer. I understand that I am likely in a minority when it comes to this perspective, and everyone is free to progress at whatever pace they desire. Don't get me wrong, it feels great to just speed through some major content, but the sooner you do it, the sooner you won't be able to do it.