First of all there's a hundred of these threads seconds of all its not who would like to see get buffed, because we know two things that we don't have an opinion on the matter and it's already been in the works... So the post should read who are you hoping gets buffed this upcoming month?
Frankly SENTRY is the most popular choice by everyone I mean seriously. They should have made sentry and void 1 champ. Sp3 turn into void play as void if not sp3 turn into sentry play as sentry.
My guess is Thor Jane foster and maybe hela are getting reworked. Why else would they sell $30 bundles with them in it? Who would spend money on that inless it's an incoming buff.
But I do think it will be 2 Avenger based OG Champs, so I will go with Winter Solider and OG Cap!
for everyone reasons I’d like to say Venompool and Superior Iron Man are among the four
Can't say I care in what order tho. 🤷
I am just curious on which champ will be buffed and less interested whether I am going to get a buffed champ unless it is an account changing buff.
Regret nothing
Are in this list LoL (So unlucky)
2 buff - Sentry & Red Skull OR War Machine & Agent Venom OR Thor Ragnarok & Antman
I mean seriously.
They should have made sentry and void 1 champ.
Sp3 turn into void play as void if not sp3 turn into sentry play as sentry.
Then there is Death Seed Sentry
The Sentry (100% control over void and sentry)
Agent Venom