5* Basic Arena

I know what you thinking, this guy must be nuts for mentioning this and your half right but we wont go into that matter lol.
I have 13 unduped 5* and honestly i am pissed off whats even worse is waiting for weeks to get 10k shards and open with a 50/50 chance of a new champ or duping a current 5* even then you might not dupe who you want.
So i am wondering when and if they will run basic arena of 5* based on the moment they were released and i mean starting from the first batch and making way down the list like the 4* basic arena is.
At this point with 6* coming next yr we need a basic 5* arena so we can awaken them and getting them instead of collecting 10k everytime and hope for the best bc honestly odds of duping SL or Magik is getting smaller and smaller heck its bout to get smaller with 6 additional 5* being added today.
Now since i forgot to make this as a poll as well i ask the community what are your thoughts??? Response nicely and keep it mature
I have 13 unduped 5* and honestly i am pissed off whats even worse is waiting for weeks to get 10k shards and open with a 50/50 chance of a new champ or duping a current 5* even then you might not dupe who you want.
So i am wondering when and if they will run basic arena of 5* based on the moment they were released and i mean starting from the first batch and making way down the list like the 4* basic arena is.
At this point with 6* coming next yr we need a basic 5* arena so we can awaken them and getting them instead of collecting 10k everytime and hope for the best bc honestly odds of duping SL or Magik is getting smaller and smaller heck its bout to get smaller with 6 additional 5* being added today.
Now since i forgot to make this as a poll as well i ask the community what are your thoughts??? Response nicely and keep it mature
I have 22 5* and could think of nothing worse than not just sittting here paying 30 units every 5 minutes to refresh 3 r4 champs... that's 95k points in 5 minutes... imagine the scores.
In the featured 4* arena still have the top 800 band but then have a 1%-10% bracket where you get the champ but no shards.
Introduce a basic 5* arena and a feature 5* arena ( not neserceraly featuring a new 5* but one that’s not in the 10k shards group)
Actually they will release 5* feature arena but i want a basic arena on the 5* that already was released lol
I dont see that happening especially when fighting rank 3 or 4 5*, of course in event quests its possible bc there are no masteries but in arena is different ball game lol
A premature 5* arena would simply break the game.
People bashed kabam in hundreds of pages for rushing over the release of 6*s. Imagine if they start giving out like 2 5*s per week to the grinders, that would totally imbalance the contest.
Do you have the post?