request for trust
Dear kabam/netmarble!may i ask you,to listen for your custumers and to try to make us happy?how do you wanna sell your products,if your customers cant trust you?why should i pay,or/and work a lots for crystals,to roll the new heroes,if you will nerf them down,like happened before(i have payed a lots and i have played a lots to roll,rank up and improve the signature ability level on scarlet and strange,but i think,i am not alone with this situation),or you just change the way of the war,alliance quest,whatever and whenever you want,you are wasting too much from us and we do not get any compansation.there is no communication between you and your customers at all,this game is becoming very boring,specially the arena,it is so boring and very annoying with the bugs and with the tricky cheats of the,there is time to talk about the tricky cheats of the ai,when the opponents are able to block our specials,they r extremely quick,them abilities r working properly,not like on our heroes,they are able to start a special attack,straight away,when they started to dash back.this is not creative at all,but very unfair,we all know that,how was it before.....there are so many ways,to make this game challenging,but enjoyable again.this way is not really creative,to force us,to open our wallets,because the game is full of bugs and unfair things.i do not feel to waste more money on this game,to pay too much for a hero,or play and work too much on a hero,which is strong and useful just for a while,that is just a waste of resources.this is not exciting at all,just miserable.