Amigos Con Queso looking to add 1 for Map 5 AQ and Gold 2/3 AW.
Amigos Con Queso (CH€€Z) is looking for one more to join our community of Veteran players before the beginning of the next AW season. We’re a 42M alliance with 10.8 prestige and avg. member rating of 1.48M. We want reliable, self-motivated players to run AQ (5x5 x3BG) and AW (in-season only). 260-280M weekly in AQ. Gold 2/3 in AW. All you need do is make your moves in AQ and finish your line in AW. Communication is key. Line required. Please reach out to me in game (Oola Boola) or on Line (oolaboola) if we sound right for you!