Sunspot no longer working against Tier 8 Odin?

I brought Sunspot into Odin's Gauntlet Tier 8 two days ago and he worked just fine. I got the power gain buffs from applying incinerates.
I went in today to fight Odin, and I don't get any more of the little power gain buffs
I could apply 30 incinerates and it wouldn't do anything.
Everyone on my team was alive, so Strength in Numbers had no effect.
I went in today to fight Odin, and I don't get any more of the little power gain buffs
I could apply 30 incinerates and it wouldn't do anything.
Everyone on my team was alive, so Strength in Numbers had no effect.
32 incinerates
zero buffs
the node states that I should get a power gain buff when applying damaging debuffs. it works before, but now now. what am I missing??? this is after 3 restarts btw
Read from many complain the same on Reddit MCOC group and on some FB groups too !
its seems to be bugged on this node in overall the past 24 hours at least
Wanna guess the next move ? fixed it wont be.
Thanks to all the people saying this monthly EQ and side quest is SOOO EAZY BRUH !
spamming so many posts.
All the slackers behind, goodluck now finishing cavalier monthly and reaching Tier 9-10.
So fudging pissed that I swear if i was not addicted to this game Id quit like I did
in the past 5 years with my 2 other accounts.
people who took Red Magneto against him, like me.
But NOT Everyone has him !
We need to keep thinking about others as well !
and people keep struggling and spend units against him because hes bugged
and you CANT go out otherwise you lost the Uru Feather.
They day this Community will stop being selfish, thats when everything will become
better and divided, filled with hatred of disagree's and different groups spread wide every
Literally posts here get 500-1000 views within hours but only 50-100 logged avg
a day and you see the same faces commenting each day each post
I’ll test it out on one of my android ac’s when I get a bit of time..
low blow
Oh no
always carry a buff heavy champ as backup....for me hyperion was backup in case fury didnt work....
As for the issue at hand, I guess the best course of action right now is to just not rely on the power draw node and have a backup option on your team. Thanks for the heads up, OP.