Is Thing worth a generic gem?

I have my 6* at r3 and have been going back and forth about awakening him. I’ve got about 60 stones for him if I do, am unconcerned with my prestige, and would like to make my defense better for the sake of my alliance. That said, a generic 6* AG is the absolute most rare resource in the game, hence my hesitation. Thoughts?
My view is that, even though his sig is a defensive ability, its more an "offensive" defensive ability. What this means is that it will help you survive while using him (like in Act 6 and so on). But I don't think it would necessarily make him a better Defender (in AW) aside from making the fight time last longer (since with Protection they'd do less damage). That might make them timeout and could result in some KOs?
However, since I don't do AW, take this with a grain of salt as I don't know what the interplay of nodes and his abilities are.