The problem with Kabam (no hate only criticism)

After watching how Odin has turned out I will take this opportunity to talk about kabams balance of charecters, where literal gods like Odin thor ragnorok and sentry are absolutely mediocre champs and humans like nick fury and human torch are bgts, it doesn't do justice to their comic book counter parts. Now now before you hate me I know that not every single champ needs to be bgt and some are more favoured by fans than other exceptions can be made in that case but since we're giving facts Odin is a fan favourite and a god his animations are amazing like always kabams animation team is very very talented but his base abilities aren't practical and are full of drawbacks, I know that drawbacks are supposed to keep the champ balanced but odins drawback isn't rewarded with damage or huge utility the sp2 barely hits 50k which means it's gonna take you ages to finish a fight in 7.1 and future content.
Again I'm not hating on kabam they're absolutely amazing when they seek to make broken op champs for eg cosmic ghost rider and red magneto. I just hope that they make the fan favourites justice that's all. I doubt this post will get attention but I hope kabam sees this I'm not looking for a buff or anything just for future reference.
Again I'm not hating on kabam they're absolutely amazing when they seek to make broken op champs for eg cosmic ghost rider and red magneto. I just hope that they make the fan favourites justice that's all. I doubt this post will get attention but I hope kabam sees this I'm not looking for a buff or anything just for future reference.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Imo, to beat up marvel characters with other marvel characters, to face and overcome ever increasing challenges, to beat fun and interactive Bossfights that require you to change your playstyle, "to be the very best, like no one ever was".
And its not supposed to be super realistic...
Otherwise characters like void and dormammu would destroy any and all.
How i see it, is you cant have good and desireable champs if there isnt imperfect champs in the mix... so im ok with odin not being amazing.
Where i think kabam missed the mark on odin release.... is *by not* doing a special deal on the odins unit package since the legend himself appeared...