Who do you think is an actually underrated champion and why
Whenever a underrated champion thread is made I always see people commenting champs that I would consider rated just fine by the general community or even slightly overrated. Champs that are good but not like amazing and are regarded as such like Elsa, hawkeye and Rhulk. Who are some champs you see generally regarded by the community as bad that you think are actually good/decent or champs that are generally regarded as decent that you think are top champions and why.
My example of this is Mojo . People know he's good but I think when he's awakened and high sig he's arguably a top 5 mystic. His damage is amazing, people talk about Longshot having crazy damage, Mojo actually has very similar if not better damage than longshot in a lot of fights/quests. His regen is very good at keeping him topped up in quests, he can have insane power gain and while his utility is very linear (reducing enemy buff duration) its very effective. His regen and damage makes him a great lane clearer even deeper into late game content like Act 6 and against non-permanent buffs he absolutely melts opponents. As someone with longshot and dragonman at 6* rank 2 I rate Mojo above longshot and tied with dragon man. I just never see Mojo brought up when people bring up top mystic champs. Even though he requires a lot to maximize him as a champion he's one of the champs I consider worth the investment. I'd rank 3 Mojo and dump sigs into him happily if I had him as a 6* awakened
My example of this is Mojo . People know he's good but I think when he's awakened and high sig he's arguably a top 5 mystic. His damage is amazing, people talk about Longshot having crazy damage, Mojo actually has very similar if not better damage than longshot in a lot of fights/quests. His regen is very good at keeping him topped up in quests, he can have insane power gain and while his utility is very linear (reducing enemy buff duration) its very effective. His regen and damage makes him a great lane clearer even deeper into late game content like Act 6 and against non-permanent buffs he absolutely melts opponents. As someone with longshot and dragonman at 6* rank 2 I rate Mojo above longshot and tied with dragon man. I just never see Mojo brought up when people bring up top mystic champs. Even though he requires a lot to maximize him as a champion he's one of the champs I consider worth the investment. I'd rank 3 Mojo and dump sigs into him happily if I had him as a 6* awakened
Op logic!
Some people know his potential but others ignores him.
He is so simple and effective. I use him more than my omega red(as I have no suicides).
Elsa Bloodstone
Community have two different opinions, but I really like playing her and even enjoy more than mole God. She is simply awesome. She is super fun to play.
I don't know if Sasquatch is properly rated or underrated. Reliable stagger, massive SP2, cold resistance, tanky as hell.
Good damage
Good in buffed up
Shrug of debuffs
Many don't use him cause his ramp is slow
I hope everyone pulls 6 star Groot and finally see his high damage potential
I do think this question has been circled so many times before that it’s generally not going to give you an idea of who is actually used versus who is just warming the bench.
The game has so many champions (closing in on 200), that when you roll a crystal you have 0.005% chance of getting the champion you want.
We have to get out of this mindset of over rated or underrated because in this game it’s:
Option 1.) Not effective
Option 2.) Somewhat effective
Option 3.) Very effective
Most champs will fall into the option 2 category, and most of us will have to work with what we have which is somewhat effective.
When you pull a Tech T5CC the first thing we think of is warlock or ghost. Mysterio while not as great as warlock can heal block and get the job done , civil warrior can get the job done , heck even yondu has a pretty long heal block.
I’m not saying go out and R3 a yondu, I’m simply saying , he is effective at something in particular.
Im not going to bring damage numbers into this , because sometimes it seems important and other times it seems like a non factor. Anyways, I just think the game has shifted way too much to consider any champ not useful anymore.
Also my phone's at 1% so I can't explain right now. Goodnight fam
Because awakened one just hits opponent while unstoppable and then activate sp 1 to be unstoppable
Type one those that everyone says they are underrated but they say it so many times that they end up being "rated". How can something be underrated if pretty much everyone says that this something is underrated?
Classic example of Type 1 Underrated ( aka not underrated because everyone agrees that they are underrated, thus they in turn end up being actually "rated")
Elsa Bloodstone
Emma Frost
(Others too but these are perhaps they most common)
Type 2 underrated are the true underrated ones, because only a minority recognize that they are underrated. Those that recognize it is usually because the happen to have these champs high rank, high sig while most people wouldn't bother to rank or sig them. Examples of this type:
So how about to make things clearer, when you answer to this thread you give your opiniones on which are Type 1 or Type 2 underrated?
I once had 32 poisons ticking on a Venom in Act 6. Fun times.
He’s just so underrated it’s sad. Barely anyone seems to understand him and even less can play him well.
I already had a 5/65 duped Nebula. And didn`t hesitate for a second when I get a tech 1-2 gem to take up my 6 star.
I really really like her. And without her I would have never been able to beat 6.2 sinister pre nerf.