Looking for an alliance

Hi I'm looking for an alliance
Prestige 10.2
Aw and aq focus alliance
If anyone interested then add me in line


  • Big_cheese243Big_cheese243 Member Posts: 33
    29mil alliance 5x5 AQ 240mil looking for 2. message me here or Line- bigcheese243
  • Big_cheese243Big_cheese243 Member Posts: 33
    Line- bigchees243
  • A_te4mA_te4m Member Posts: 3
    Are you still looking for an ally mate?
    We are chilled alliance, run the below

    3 BG AQ, BG1 5x5, BG2 4x5, BG3 3x5

    Our aim to to be able to do BG2 55444 and BG3 44333. We currently hitting 160 mill

    As chilled 2 by silver 1. We are aiming to hit gold 3

    Let me know if interested search A-team in game and line
  • eggesteggest Member Posts: 159

    We run map 5x5 scoring 270mil. Started to move towards map6 by doing it on day one most weeks and sometimes day 2.

    Wars are 2 bgs on rotation, so everyone plays and also gets regular breaks from it. We get gold 2 in around tier 5-6. Nothing too bad.

    If interested, add me on Line: eggest1
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