What -1000% regeneration rate looks like Vs RoL Wolverine

Feast your eyes on this beauty.
Wasp's petrify reduces regeneration rate by 1.75% for each hit of her combo.
584 × 1.75 = 1022
1022% regeneration rate reduction. That is truly insane.
And why did I use my r1 2* as opposed to my r4 5* I hear you ask? Because I wanted to prove to certain members of the community such as @The_Sentry06 and @KDSuperFlash10 that wasp is not at all flimsy if played correctly. (Sorry to pick on you guys I just quickly checked the wasp appreciation thread and saw you two say she was flimsy) Yes I did accidentally parry once so I'm not full health but we can ignore that.
Anyway, enjoy!

Wasp's petrify reduces regeneration rate by 1.75% for each hit of her combo.
584 × 1.75 = 1022
1022% regeneration rate reduction. That is truly insane.
And why did I use my r1 2* as opposed to my r4 5* I hear you ask? Because I wanted to prove to certain members of the community such as @The_Sentry06 and @KDSuperFlash10 that wasp is not at all flimsy if played correctly. (Sorry to pick on you guys I just quickly checked the wasp appreciation thread and saw you two say she was flimsy) Yes I did accidentally parry once so I'm not full health but we can ignore that.
Anyway, enjoy!
At least, not from me
This has proved to me alright. Time to work on my Wasp skills I suppose.