Why do you call them God if ...

They have no immunities like Odin, Thor, Hela, Heimdall.
They easily die from bleed, poison, shock ... like normal people. Not God from my view.
They easily die from bleed, poison, shock ... like normal people. Not God from my view.
Gods generally don't die until they are supposed to, but when they are supposed to they often die from very pedestrian causes. Because when the myths were created Michael Bay wasn't around to direct them.
But towards to OP’s question, at least in the MCU (I never read Thor comics) Odin says “we are not gods”. Asgardians are just humans with much longer lifespans, greater physical capabilities, and access to mystical weaponry.
As in the game, they are good champions but i would not put any of them in the god tiers category, even if they are called gods from the norse mythology