Show that you actually appreciate Summoners.

You push out an uncompleted patch then hide behind that fact as a reason as to why you are still withholding compenstion. Let me state clearly I do not need your compensation, check my profile I'm an end game player and have had things like t4c and alliance revives in overflow, I've even sold 5* before you stripped me of my human right to do so (sarcasm for the literal troll police), not because I was hacked or made a 3 stage mistake which you believe are the only reasons but because the champs were cack!
Unfortunately not everyone in my alliance or other alliances are in the same position. Alot of them are only playing this game because of the relationships they have built up over years and actually consider some of their alliance teammates friends. Right now kabam is exploiting one of the best features about being a human being and even if there is just one guy in our group who wants the next war win because he's 300 shards away from 4* and 800 shards away from 5* and if we win and he dupes 4* he gets to pull 5*.........well you guys know how it goes and it's situations like that are the only reason the rest of us keep plugging away, through all the bugs, bad communication, lack of forsight and uncompleted patches. The majority of this community is made up of phenomenal people from the Whales to the Whingers and because kabam is incapable of doing so I just wanted to show my summoner appreciation, it's because if yous I let myself be Kabucked, regularly, so the first 3 people to friend me in game will receive an energy refill to help them on through, it's not much but all I can do at the moment. Kabam I dare you to do better!
Just searched but didn't bring up your profile
1st, GL Sam!
Sorry dude, your not an end game player, you have done 1 run on LOL and got 3 r4s, like me.
Real end game players are on 5-6 r4s maybe more.
Sooo yep, once you 100% LOL, you will be an end game player
2nd and 3rd
All the best guys!
I see your point, for me end game is a point of view as I won't be spending anymore until game is fixed enough for me to justify spending.
Intoxic is a stand up guy and sent back the energy as it wasn't the reason he made contact.
1 energy refill still available
K1lltast1c gets the 3rd!
K1lltast1c gets the 3rd!
Nice work, man!
Just keeping this on page one of the discussion board, so more people get to read it.
Keep playing, keep positive.