It has to be pretty low. Typically I’m lucky to get 1 in 50 I would say. Sometimes get fortunate but that’s all I could ever really rely on if that because even then I’ve opened well over 50 many times and not seen one.
I’ve learned to rely on the health potions and energy more than the revives and don’t count on them for revives anymore.
It has to be pretty low. Typically I’m lucky to get 1 in 50 I would say. Sometimes get fortunate but that’s all I could ever really rely on if that because even then I’ve opened well over 50 many times and not seen one.
I’ve learned to rely on the health potions and energy more than the revives and don’t count on them for revives anymore.
I remember it used have much higher changes to pull 20% revival, not sure if it's the same case for you
I don't think the drop rates are constant cause a little time ago, I was getting way more small energy refills and revives(not a lot but a good amount) compared to potions but lately all I open is lvl3 potions, which I am always full, and lvl4, which are always welcome, but I am just trying to find some small energy refills to finish up a quest or sth and they just never pop up anymore.
I find it better to open them before you hop into a big quest.
I’ve learned to rely on the health potions and energy more than the revives and don’t count on them for revives anymore.
Hard to tell from only 100 though, as odd as that sounds! Certainly don't have enough TB 4 hour to check yet.