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Which Champs are more reliable ?

Which Champs are more reliable ? 39 votes

28% 11 votes
Professor X
7% 3 votes
Human torch
2% 1 vote
Captain America IW
43% 17 votes
0% 0 votes
17% 7 votes


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    StoNerdStoNerd Posts: 179
    edited April 2021
    If max sig (capiw). If not AA, Apoc(if you got good mutants), Profx(you won't regret)
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    ShrimpRShrimpR Posts: 245
    For what purpose??
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★
    Apocalypse is just so versatile. I bring him everywhere and he usually is very useful. He’s got the immunity after 8 seconds to bleed and incinerate. He can become an evade counter if used right. He can’t be stunned while striking. They can’t shrug off his debuffs. Overall very reliable
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    Danyal_39Danyal_39 Posts: 151
    edited April 2021
    As a standalone champion, Professor X is best of them. He also doesn't need any awakening or high sig. He also works as support character by boosting mutants with synergies.
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    GodsupremeGodsupreme Posts: 123
    Most votes goes to apoc !
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    Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Posts: 966 ★★★★
    If I'm going into a matchup blind, I think caiw is the way to go. He doesn't get shut down if they have immunities or if they have a way to punish energy damage. As far as bad matchups go he doesn't really have any, there's plenty of nonideal situations but as far as I can think of there isn't anything in a champions base kit that can shut him down entirely.
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