Choose my next two R2/R5 Mystics

EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
edited April 2021 in Strategy and Tips

My only R5 Mystic is Doom (sig 20). Currently aiming to have 3 R2/R5 champs per class, and Mystic is due. Gonna concentrate on getting two of the following candidate up ( the two with the most votes):

Choose my next two R2/R5 Mystics 9 votes

5* BWCV (unduped)
Danyal_39JragonMaster170DarkKnight646Zhangman 4 votes
6* Tigra (unduped)
Param1988Yodabolt21sherin_66Spinnaker 4 votes
6* Dragon Ma
Wooptyfrickendoo 1 vote


  • sherin_66sherin_66 Member Posts: 268 ★★★
    6* Tigra (unduped)
    I get that BCV is better, but if you can master Tigra, she can really be a powerhouse in your kit.
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    Sorry but I pressed post before writing all poll options. Would love to delete this post and rewrite as the edit function doesn't allow me to edit/add poll options.

    For what it's worth, my other candidates for the poll were:

    5* Dr. Vodooo ( sig 60)

    5* Magik ( sig 60)

    5* SymSupreme (sig 20)

    5* SorcSupreme ( have mystic AG, can put 40 sigs)

    5* Morningstar ( sig 60)

    Mods, I guess you guys can't edit my OP to add these options right?
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