April Side Quest - Infographic for Legendary Difficulty

- This is for UC/Cav/TB players
- Uncollected players cannot access the highlighted Solo Objectives
- Total Objective rewards listed assumes you are ONLY running Legendary difficulty
- You can technically continue to earn path rewards without killing the boss, as they rewards will respawn on entry without refreshing (though they will refresh after a day regardless), but not doing so will prevent you from earning Solo Objectives
- Follow the subreddit/forums, Trucos’ social media or MCOCDroidDoes on YT for Daily Objective Duel Targets
- Detailed node information is available on the Forum Post: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/256581/ain-t-no-party-like-a-plat-pool-party/p1
- FrontlineMCOC wrote a detailed guide here: https://frontlinemcoc.home.blog/2021/04/06/how-the-april-2021-side-quest-works-contest-of-realms/
So, if you do not complete the boss fight and quit out, assuming you come back in on the same day, the rewards would be the same?
I guess if you receive for instance 300 6* shards for all 7 drops, it might be worth considering just quitting out and going back in to continuously farm those resources, assuming you have keys saved up. This would be forfeiting a chance at some of the T5CC, if you did this for more than 3 times.
High IQ play: save up 3 keys because there is only 25 completions required for the max T5CC rewards, then when you find what you consider to be optimal rewards, quit out before the boss and go back through 3 times, killing the boss on your final time to max your chosen rewards and still be in the running for the full completion rewards (assuming you can collect all 28 keys and are not worried about not being able to complete the quest at any point).
To clarify, are you saying that quitting early (before Boss) will have all the Reward locations repopulated again same-day (even locations you already collected the first time) ? (and if so, would they be random again too ?)
Or will the locations you’ve already claimed remain vacant the next time in again if still on “same day”, and that only those rewards you didn’t capture before would be the only ones still present again on a subsequent (quit, run again same day) entry ?
Otherwise someone might think that if a top (rare) reward happened to exist, they could claim in (travel thru it) and then quit the quest, and re-enter the quest again (same day) and think that exact same (top/rare) reward will definitely be at that same spot again that next time as well (over and over, provided they had saved up multiple entry Keys). And that they could thus guarantee capture of that repeated top prize multiple times on same day. Which I DON'T think would be the case.
This seems to be contradicted by a more recent Post by @Josh2507 (and Reply/Confirmation by Kabam Boo) regarding the ability to do this.
So, did Kabam maybe realize this could be a potential exploit (or else just something unintended) and maybe go in and change that original possibility (even if Kabam had initially mentioned to you that you should be able to do that) ?
In that post by Josh today, they did NOT see the items again after picking them up originally, quitting, and then re-entering within same day.
We have identified the issue and will get this fixed as soon as possible. Hang in there! Thanks for your patience.
"Earlier this week, we informed you that if you do not complete the Contest of Realms Side Quest and quit the Quest without beating the Boss, entering the quest again would result in you being able to collect the same rewards again.
Due to a bug, this is not the case. If you have collected the rewards once, you will not be able to collect them again. This means that the only way to refresh rewards in this quest is to complete the quest (by beating the boss), or wait for it to refresh at 10 am PT.
We apologize for this inconvenience and are currently assessing how this may have affected players."
Cat's Infographic, for those procrastinators out there.
(other issue regarding empty reward drop paths has been since explained more numerous times after this. Have to beat the Boss from now on, last day, in order for any previous run claimed reward spots to refresh and become available (random drops) again next time run).