This doesn’t feel very right Kabam

Playing cav EQ 2.1
After 100% exploring it says I have 2% left. So did a check.
3 different nodes lead to the same path....
when I did that path I took the one to the left. Have never seen this mess before so didn’t for a second look to see if there where multiple ways to the same path... now I have to play same path again to clear one single little node.
For me it’s just time and energy but for someone who has just started doing cav EQ and put revives and pots into exploring. For them I feel really bad.
Can’t seem to post video but here are some screen-shots.

After 100% exploring it says I have 2% left. So did a check.
3 different nodes lead to the same path....
when I did that path I took the one to the left. Have never seen this mess before so didn’t for a second look to see if there where multiple ways to the same path... now I have to play same path again to clear one single little node.
For me it’s just time and energy but for someone who has just started doing cav EQ and put revives and pots into exploring. For them I feel really bad.
Can’t seem to post video but here are some screen-shots.

Honestly was the map designer drunk when he did this.
And showed pics how you can do the various Portals to avoid having to do an extra run.
This is not a recommended course of action unless you're planning on never playing the account again.
This is what they sent a member of our alliance group after he sent in a ticket. Shouldn’t it be the same for everyone?