Checkmate, Grandmaster

Finally beat this guy! And I actually remembered to take screenshots

Picked mutant in hopes for a 6* stryfe out of a featured, got my first 6* dupe instead (I’m 50 shards away from another 6*)

The cavs weren’t much, so I’ll skip those

This nexus had me thinking for a bit, but went with stealthy (yes I know CB is OP now, but still)

And I R2d KM. (Really just needed a good skill up there besides Aegon) So yeah, I guess I’ll just blitz through 7.1 now

Picked mutant in hopes for a 6* stryfe out of a featured, got my first 6* dupe instead (I’m 50 shards away from another 6*)

The cavs weren’t much, so I’ll skip those

This nexus had me thinking for a bit, but went with stealthy (yes I know CB is OP now, but still)

And I R2d KM. (Really just needed a good skill up there besides Aegon) So yeah, I guess I’ll just blitz through 7.1 now
The 5* champs above the red line I used for lots of act 6 (aswell as the 6*s) in all honesty the lanes in 6.4 were harder than the actual bosses.
I just slugged through this chore
as well.
By the power of unitman I prevailed!
Same day.
My pulls were underwhelming.
So I didnt take screen shots of those.