x4 level 60 players looking for alliance

4 UK players looking for an active alliance.
Not looking for the grind of aq 5x5 but happy to do map5 2 or 3 times per week.
If you’re interested, drop your ign or line Id here and I will message you.
Not looking for the grind of aq 5x5 but happy to do map5 2 or 3 times per week.
If you’re interested, drop your ign or line Id here and I will message you.
my alliance is looking for new members, so plz drop msg about your group
Life first alliance here hope to share more details.
We're starting with map 4 at the moment, but looking to add map 5 quickly (and likely can do so ASAP with your help)
If interested add me in game (SWGOH Mos Def), on Discord (mosdef1981#0118), or on Line (mosdef1981), and I'd be happy to tell you more about us.
Map 3x5 no donations and active in war rating 1465. All level 60 and above