Tough Choice for Rank 5...

BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,155 ★★★★★
Need to know who to spend the last of my resources on and max out, majority wins as always.

Need the best overall for story mode AQ and AW, synergy does not apply

Thank you

Tough Choice for Rank 5... 33 votes

Cap IW - Duped, sig level 50
JragonMaster170 1 vote
Hyperion - Duped, sign level 60
DarkZenpseudosaneAdvGoddessIliasRenaxqqSparx265Ben_15455AmnetiesTheBair123CrcrcrcRaviDaviBarryMcCaulkinertofuシOakenshieldSpinnakerKiller354groundedmaster20005 17 votes
Lvernon15N0_UDanyal_39BuggyDClownBIGJ757 5 votes
MoosetiptronicReaper2823raf135Luke9523EtjamaScrubhanWill3808Yodabolt21Zoom123OEMV 10 votes


  • BarryMcCaulkinerBarryMcCaulkiner Member Posts: 178 ★★
    Hyperion - Duped, sign level 60
    Time after time, Hyperion proves himself. Variant 7 is a great example. I have all of these at 5/65 aside from Warlock and they are all monsters, but overall Hyperion has provided me with the most value. He can be plugged into any team without synergies and shine.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,155 ★★★★★
    Shocked Cap isn't getting any love, but I guess without class synergy he doesn't make much sense.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,155 ★★★★★
    This one was never even close...
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