AQ Map 6 Fight or Fight bug

IkthulisIkthulis Member Posts: 122
Every time I fight the second Longshot in AQ, the Fight or Flight node doesn’t work properly. I get far away and he goes unstoppable anyways. So, not only do I not get unstoppable, he still goes unstoppable and I got wrecked.


  • Bafamet_1979Bafamet_1979 Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2021
    Confirmed, the same thing just happened to me and when I did go unstoppable the icon was not visible. I found out when I parried.
  • Bafamet_1979Bafamet_1979 Member Posts: 42
    Ikthulis said:

    Every time I fight the second Longshot in AQ, the Fight or Flight node doesn’t work properly. I get far away and he goes unstoppable anyways. So, not only do I not get unstoppable, he still goes unstoppable and I got wrecked.

    Nm, I guess his sig ability allows him to steal the unstoppable. There was still no way of knowing I was unstoppable without contact.
  • WhitewindWhitewind Member Posts: 17
    yeah, they put that node on longshot for this reason. Need to stop it from procing in the first place or he likely just steals the buff from you.
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