Need members to our alliance. 9k minimum prestige with AQ 5x5 3 BGS. AW Gold II

Looking for a group of 10 our a whole BG willing to merge into our alliance ASAP. Minimum 9k prestige or above.
If needed you can have your own BG with two dedicated officers.
In AQ. 5x5 all 3 groups with epic mods the 2 first days and thereafter master mods. We expect 100% completion. Usually score 250+ minimum.
In AW consistent in Gold 2. 3 bgs first 5 wars and then 2 bgs for the rest of the season with players rotating. No wars during off-season to let members focus on their rosters and quests.
Weekly SA mandatory and minimum is 11k.
We use Whatsapp for communication
If needed you can have your own BG with two dedicated officers.
In AQ. 5x5 all 3 groups with epic mods the 2 first days and thereafter master mods. We expect 100% completion. Usually score 250+ minimum.
In AW consistent in Gold 2. 3 bgs first 5 wars and then 2 bgs for the rest of the season with players rotating. No wars during off-season to let members focus on their rosters and quests.
Weekly SA mandatory and minimum is 11k.
We use Whatsapp for communication