Red hulk. My muscle memory keeps trying to Parry him rather than play him basically unblockable. He's responsible for most of my deaths in the SQ when my brain momentarily goes to sleep and he just steamrolls over me.
The Spider-Men solely because I get to happy building up furies while charging Heavy Attacks while they are stunned so I end up holding for way to long and get punished
For the record, mine is Strange. Not the hardest, but it takes me longer to fight him than it does the bosses because of how many specials I have to bait.
He's the only one I skip, provided he's not protecting something nice.
Depends on where he is but platpool tends to give me the most trouble, followed by either red hulk or hulk. I bring venom to that fight and I just miss my intercepts badly and pay for it
Cap WWII. Seriously the most annoying. It's not that it's a hard fight but it is super annoying.
I bring Corvus and he is the only one in that slot that is not a charge and he has been there 13 out of my last 15 runs. It's gotten ridiculous at this point.
The Spider-Men solely because I get to happy building up furies while charging Heavy Attacks while they are stunned so I end up holding for way to long and get punished
I didn't even know that was a thing lol. I haven't read any of the nodes. Most of them I've figured out while playing but haven't tried to charge any heavies.
He's the only one I skip, provided he's not protecting something nice.
And Cyclops. For reasons unkown to me.
Cant solo her without white mags tbh
And w 3 slots my scrub playing ass can't afford the support slot
I bring Corvus and he is the only one in that slot that is not a charge and he has been there 13 out of my last 15 runs. It's gotten ridiculous at this point.